The Prettiest of Princes Are the most Dangerous

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A story in which Nico is a Prince of death and the night and Will is the Prince of Life and the light/ day.

TW: Octavian

Also, I have not reviewed this chapter because it's long and I don't feel like reading all of this so I apologize for any mistakes.


Nico was used to death, it was all he'd ever known. It was a curse really, as everyone he's ever gotten close to has died all due to his out of control powers. You may be wondering what this power is, instead of telling you why don't I show you?


Nico was playing in the hallway with his sister like he usually did. When suddenly she smiled and got up and began to run.  "I bet you can't catch me!" His sister, Bianca teased. "Oh you're so on!" He said and chased after her. When he finally caught up he grabbed her he wasn't quite sure or really remembered how it happened but the next thing he knew Bianca was in his arms and she was coughing violently he tried to call for help but nothing came out but a small squeak. His sister had stopped coughing and lay limped in his arms and somehow he knew she was dead, he didn't want to believe it though. But that's when he noticed it, all around him things began to wither and decay including the wood and a faint black smoke curled away from his sister's body and it seemed to be coming from..his hands.. This was his fault.

Tears began to stream down Nico's face and he pulled Bianca close to him and he yelled, it was filled with pain and hurt beyond comprehension because all of this was his fault. The other mysterious deaths that happened in this castle were also his fault. How stupid he had been to not notice it before, how stupid he had been to not see the signs. How stupid he was to let this happen to the person he loved most. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Eventually, A servant arrived to see what the screaming was about. She carefully approached the crying boy and put her hand on her shoulder oblivious to what was going on. Nico quickly turned around swatted her hand away. "G-get away from me!" He yelled tears still streaming down his face. This must have drew attention as more servants and guards appeared all keeping a reasonable distance but still steadily approaching. "I said get away from me!" Nico yelled. He screamed and kicked as the servant grabbed him and tried to calm him down. The servant gasped suddenly and fell to her knees and began to cough violently. Nico continued to scream and the decaying spread to the walls and across the floor and eventually it reached a heavy bookcase that was bolted to the wall and it feel on his sister giving Nico no hope for her being alive.

The screaming never stopped, it just got worse and the decaying continued to spread only this time faster and within seconds the other servants and guards were dead. It wasn't until his father came barging in and put his hand over his mouth that the screaming stopped. After he stopped screaming and crying his father released him and took a good look around. He spoke, his voice hard and sharp like broken glass, "What have you done?"


Nico woke with a start as he observed his surroundings. He put his knees to his chest, he was used to nightmares like this despite the incident being years ago, but they were more occurring, and more vivid than usual. His half sister, Hazel peeked her head through his door. "Hey..can I come in?" She asked. He nodded not saying a word. She slowly came in and sat on his bed. "Based on the screaming I heard, you had a nightmare again, didn't you?" She asked. Nico nodded, again not saying anything. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Nico quickly shook his head and squeezed his legs harder and closer to his chest. "Well, it is beginning to become morning so how about I make breakfast and we'll go from there, hm?" She said gently rubbing his back. Nico didn't exactly trust anyone else to make him food besides Hazel (he's been poisoned twice) so he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out so he closed it shut again and just nodded. Hazel sighed and got up and left his room. Nico swung his feet over the side of the bed after she left and sat there a few minutes before making his way to the kitchen.

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