💫Christmas Special💫

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Merry Christmas! And Happy Holidays to those who don't celebrate! This is a Christmas Special (as the title says) Thankfully it will be out on Christmas! Also, I swear it is wholesome and you should not at all be concerned 😁.

Also, I didn't read through it for mistakes so just ignore any mistakes that may be there.



Nico was in the Apollo cabin on Will's bed napping while he waited for Will's shift to be over. Suddenly, someone or something had yelled his name which startled and caused him to wake up and sit up quickly and bang his head on the top of the bunk which made him yelp in pain as he held his nose with both hands. "Oh, sorry, did I startle you? I've been calling your name for the past few minutes and I got scared because I thought you were dead." A voice said. After making sure his nose wasn't broken, Nico looked to his left to see Percy's face on an Iris Message. "Percy? You don't normally call me, is everything okay? Do I need to get Chiron? Are you in danger?" Nico questioned, it was unusual for Percy to call him unless he was in danger. "No! No," Percy reassured him. "I just needed to ask  you a question."

"Okay..?" Nico said readjusting himself on the bed so that he was sitting crisscross. "My Mom wanted me to ask you if you wanted to come over for Christmas since, you know, she probably hasn't seen you on a good occasion since the first war," Percy explained. "Has it really been that long?" Nico asked. "Yeah, it's been a few years." Percy said. "So? You gonna come or do I have to deliver the bad news to my Mother and her be so, so sad?" Percy said dramatically. "Okay, no need to be that dramatic, I'll check to see if it's okay with Chiron," Nico said rolling his eyes. "Good." Percy says before turning to his left and seemingly talking to someone just out of from. He turned back, "Annabeth wanted me to ask you if you could try and convince Will to come with you, she wants to show him a new design she's working on," He said. Nico sighed, "That's going to be as hard as trying to keep Paolo from injuring himself and losing  his limbs." 

Percy chuckled. "I see Will's the same "I'm going to work myself to my grave" as he always is," Percy said. "How is he by the way?" He asked clearly wanting add more but unsure how to ask it. "If you're asking how he's doing after the trip to Tartarus I can assure you he's fine and if he does feel off or me and/or one of his siblings notices something off in his behavior than he or we make sure he goes off to talk to Mr. D about it and ensures that he's okay to continue whatever he was doing." Nico explained. "Okay, thank the gods" Percy said with a sigh of relief. "I'll see what I can do about getting Will to leave camp and visit Mrs. Sally." Nico said before waving his hand and ending the call. He had some work to do.


Nico made his way through the infirmary to Will's desk in the back, Will was looking over and writing on what looked like a lot of injury reports. Nico tapped on the desk to get Will's attention. Will looked up then smiled. "Hey Neeks! Do you need something?" He asked. "Uh, Percy invited me to come have Christmas at his house and I was wondering if you wanted to come with?" Nico said after sighing. Will frowned, "I don't know Nico, I haven't left camp since the quest and even longer before that. How would camp run without their best medic? Campers do tend to get Injured daily." 

"Well, Kayla and Austin could deal with the healing part, and if the wounds are serious they could be aided by Chiron or Apollo." Nico reasoned. "Sure, but, with all the new campers it'll be harder for Chiron or Apollo to come aid with injuries, especially since Chiron is busier during the holidays. I don't think me leaving is a good idea." Will stated. Nico sighed, "You're so stubborn." He muttered pinching the bridge of his nose then running his hand through his hair. "Look, as you said before: you haven't left camp since the quest and even longer before then, you deserve a break, and I'm sure literally anyone would agree!" Nico exclaimed. Will thought for a moment before responding, "I'll think about it." Nico smiled, "Thank you" he said kissing Will on the cheek before leaving the infirmary.

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