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I stare at him as if he's lost his mind, and then it dawns on me..

The tension in the air is inevitable, mutual unease hanging heavy between us. It's evident: they suspect me, and I suspect them, both parties convinced the other is plotting against the other. We won't ever move forward if it remains this way.

"You won't find anything." He warns, his voice rough with warning.

"I'm not looking for anything other than the restroom." I correct him, because really he's the one overlooking this whole situation.

Turning away, I retreat into the bathroom, though I have no real need. I simply crave a moment of solitude, an escape from the chaos. His footsteps finally fade, and I release a heavy sigh, staring at my reflection in the mirror. My necklace gleams in the light, its delicate beauty belying the turmoil it represents.

Thoughts of the basement flood my mind, his insistence on keeping it off-limits only fuels my suspicions. What secrets lie beneath their glamorous facade? It's certainly not what they present to their adoring fans, with their autographs and scripted interviews. Theres something darker, something more sinister lurking beneath the surface.

I leave the restroom, and make my way back down to the entertainment room, where they're all sitting. But I don't bother staying long, i'm exhausted and I want to go home already.

"Look, blondes do it better just saying." Armin says out-loud, shrugging like if they're having an intense debate.

"That's so biased! You're blonde!" Mikasa argues back.

"And a nice ass on top of it, god I should call her." Armin groans, pulling out his phone to scroll through his huge contact list, full of random numbers with no label let alone value.

I saunter toward Jean, beside the arm chair, and they all continue bickering on about some chick named Annie who I don't know.

Amongst the chaos, I finally get my word in, leaning in to whisper: "I gotta go."

As expected he arises from his seat, both feet planted on the ground, following me upstairs. His roommates don't notice, or maybe they're ignoring us. Either way, they don't interfere.

We enter inside his bedroom, and I immediately turn to lock the door behind us, "What's wrong?" He questions.

"Why are your roommates so fucking weird?!"

"Armins got a questionable taste in women is all." He laughs it off, obviously he has no idea what i'm actually referring to.

"What's in that basement?" I finally let out.

He takes a short breath, "We signed a contract Y/n." Dragging my name, obviously bothered by my lack of trust in him.

"No more of this shit, you ain't gonna get the closure you want, give it up already," His eyes look deceiving.

"That's easy for you to say."

"Look, if you want we can talk tomorrow." Jean reaches into his shorts, pulling out multiple twenty dollar bills and slipping them into my back pocket.

I subconsciously flinch against his touch.

"For now, go home and get some rest."

I hate how he's so good with his words, the smoothness in his voice urges me to obey everything he says. Still, I give him a hard time.

"Are you trying to buy me off?" I'm unamused, "Should I take it back?" He sasses me.

"I'm leaving now,  you'll be hearing from me tomorrow." I grab ahold of my things, and stand at the open door way.

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