10: Geto

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Y/N stared out the window, standing beside Yaga and Satsuki as he listened to them speak.

The conversation at hand was not the most pleasant.

"We still aren't picking up on any actions from Geto. Are you sure you're not worried over nothing?" Yaga asked placing his hand on his chin. Satsuki shook her head letting out a disappointed sigh as she spoke up.

"Principal I am sad to say that's not possible. Me and Kazu confirmed it at the scene itself, there's no way I'd mistake that cursed energy residue for anyone else's."

"As much as I'd like to say otherwise she's right. It appears that Geto is planning something that's about to be set in motion. Our priority from now on would be ensuring the safety of our students."

Y/N ran his hand through his hair, looking out to watch the group of first years. Some worry crossing his mind trying to wonder what he could be planning.

Suguru's acting now must be because of okkotsu.


Yaga spoke, however before Y/N could collect his thoughts the feeling of someone entering Jujutsu-high's barrier crossed the three of them.

"God dammit! Speak of the devil. Gather all sorcerers on campus, semi-first grade and above and circle out front!" Yaga ran out the corridor leaving Y/N and Satsuki alone to themselves.

While she had an indifferent expression, the scowl plastered on his face told a different story.

"You know what I'll have to do when it comes down to it, right?"

His tone was laced with anger, hate even. Satsuki knew that well. As much as she hated to admit it she knew no outcome would end happily.

Not for them. Fate had a sick hand in that.

".....you say it so casually." Satsuki could only muster that reply to him before she turned to leave herself.

"He was our friend once."

And with that he was left alone to his thoughts.


"Ack—This sucks! Kazu has been stuck in his room all day. It's like he doesn't even wanna talk to us anymore."

I could hear Satsuki's faint voice from the other side of the door. Laying down on my bed I let the rays of sunshine hit my face as I stare up at the ceiling. My eyes feeling numb, perhaps due to the crying, perhaps due to the lack of sleep.

Nonetheless I was in no mood to socialize.

It had been my first year at Jujutsu-high, and the summer was reaching its end. However all I could muster to do then was stay lumped up in my room or spend my sorrows killing a curse on whatever mission I had been sent out to.

"Satsuki we shouldn't push him too hard. He's only just lost her."

"Really Gojo...how dumb could you be?"

Suguru and Shoko's voices had sounded like they were filled with pity for me. Like they had just heard some sob story and didn't know how to respond.

[𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒] Jujutsu Kaisen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now