Just A Secretary Workplace AU PT13/13

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"What did you say?" Miguel looks at you in disbelief. His eyes darted from yours to your phone.

"M-Miguel I received the email too. That's what I wanted to tell you on Friday but you switched it to Monday and then..and then you-" You watch as Miguel places your phone on his lap and runs his hands over his face as he lets out a deep sigh.

"There's nothing I can do that will make up for what I did...I didn't know mi sol" He reaches out a hand to cup your face using his thumb to wipe away a stray tear. "I'm sorry...you know I hate seeing you cry and I hate it even more when I'm the reason for it...I meant it when I said you are the sun in my world and loving you is the best gift you could ever give me. I couldn't even bring myself to lie to you that day. To lie and say that I didn't love you to lie and say that you meant nothing to me. That we meant nothing. You complete me in every way I'll make it up to you I swear. But if you still want to leave....then I understand. Just know that I love you and I never stopped" Your tears are falling freely now as you sit there staring at him. You love this man you really do it's just....you spent almost a month resenting him struggling to deal with the pain that he caused you and you were prepared to leave for good and close this chapter of your life but now? You're not so sure that you still want that.

You place a hand over his that's still resting on your cheek and give it a gentle squeeze. "You hurt me Miguel you really did...I don't know I just think I need some time. But for what it's worth I still love you. I never stopped loving you either" You give him a weak smile which he reciprocates. He leans forward resting his forehead on yours before pulling away from you completely.

"I'm taking you home?" He says as he begins to start the car. You slowly nod as you wrap your arms around yourself as the events of the day begin to infiltrate your mind.

"Yeah I don't think I want to be home alone right now" It takes him a minute to understand the meaning of your words.

"Oh...like you want to come home with me?"

"Yeah if that's alright with you. If not-"

"It's fine" You steal a glance at Miguel and notice that his jaw is set and he's rubbing his stubble. He doesn't look fine, he looks nervous.

"My place is...has seen better days. I just don't want you in that kind of environment love" You shake your head and place a gentle hand on his knee.

"As long as you're there is all that matters to me" He grabs your hand from his knee, brings it to his lips, and places a gentle kiss on the back of your hand. Silence fills the car as he holds onto your hand. You lean your head against your chair as you fight to keep your eyes awake. You feel Miguel dragging your hand that he's still holding to turn on the radio station. The minute classic music fills the air you're immediately transported back to the very beginning before you and Miguel were a thing. The thought alone brings tears to your eyes but you manage to blink them away.

"Go to sleep mi sol"

"It's fine I'm okay" You watch him shake his head as you turn your body to face him tucking your legs under yourself.

"There's a button by your chair, press it" You use your fingers to feel around for the button. Once reaching it you press it and immediately you feel your chair reclining.

"Miguel I told you that I'm fine"

"Go to sleep I'll wake you up when we reach" You feel him giving your hand a gentle squeeze as he stops at a red light. He lets go of your hand and begins to take off his suit jacket leaving him in a white button-down shirt and his red tie. Before you can protest he drapes it over your shoulders making sure to cover your bare legs. Kicking off your heels you bring your legs to rest on the chair forming a fetal position. You sigh under the warmth of his jacket and you watch as he holds out a hand. Immediately getting the memo you place your hand in his intertwining your fingers as you drift off to sleep.

Miguel O'Hara One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now