Just A Secretary Workplace AU PT 1

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"You're insufferable," you mumble under your breath as you walk out of Miguel's office for the 3rd time because the coffee that he sent you to order wasn't to his liking. Honestly, you don't know why he requested you to be his new secretary when he's making your life a living hell. You've been working with him for the past 2 months and if it wasn't for your tuition and the hospital bills from your sister you would've quit a long time ago.....but you can't because this job pays so well you have the luxury of this being your only job. With a heavy sigh, you go back to the coffee shop and order his new coffee order.

Finally making your way back to his office you take a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in" Entering the room you quietly shut the door behind you. Turning to face him you plaster on a fake smile.

"Your coffee O'Hara" As you place the coffee down on his desk he doesn't even look at you. You stand there in front of his desk tucking your hair behind your ears briefly before locking your hands behind your back waiting for him to tell you anything. Buttttt he doesn't, he has you standing there for 2 minutes before he finally decides to look up from his work.

"Why are you still standing there?"

That ass- Through gritted teeth, you respond. "I brought your coffee, Mr. O'Hara, hopefully, it's to your liking now" He looks you up and down, his eyes stopping at your chest briefly before making its way back up to your face.

"Mmhm yeah to my liking for sure," He hasn't even taken a sip of the coffee and yet- nope you can't be bothered. He waves his hand signaling you to go back to your office. The office that is right next to his. His excuse for it was "just in case he ever needed you" You wanted to punch him so badly it hurts just to think about it. As you begin to make your way back to your office he calls out your name.

"Oh and don't forget we have a business trip this weekend. As my secretary, you are to be there. Be ready at 8 am sharp on Friday. I'll be picking you up" What is he talking about..?? You turn around folding your arms across your chest.

"What business trip...? Mr.O'Hara, it's Thursday.....the trip is last minute. I can't...no, I have other matters to attend to this weekend."

"You are my secretary"

"I am aware Mr.O'Hara"

"Clearly not since you're saying you can't come. Wherever I go you go. Understand?"

"Mr.O'Hara I-

"You just love saying my name don't-"

"I don't actually. It's quite the handful maybe you should-" You pause when he gets up and makes his way to you

"Then maybe you should just call me by my first name then"

"I-I can't do that...that would be inappropriate" Why isn't he stopping? You take a nervous step back but he doesn't stop making his way towards you. He stops until you guys are arm's length apart.

"Hmmmm is that so? Now care to tell me why my secretary can't come this weekend. Knowing you, you probably have a date this weekend, is that it?" You notice how he sounds so irritated as he rolls his eyes while he intentionally flaunts the Rolex on his wrist. Dammit, you forgot how loaded he is. Show-off

"What..... a date oh please I'm going to be with my sister" You laugh in disbelief

"So you can't come on the business trip this weekend because you're hanging out with your sister...?" He raised his eyebrows at you

"No, I have to take care of her. She's-"

"You have to take care of your older sister really?..... If you're standing me up for some measly old guy you could've just said so. You don't have to lie to me, sweetheart." He then mimics your stance by crossing his arms over his chest as well with a scowl on his face. His suit does nothing to hide the bulging muscles underneath. Why does he look so upset and why does he look so damn good. Despite his annoying ass attitude, you can't lie he's so attractive. But with a guy like that you know damn well he probably has a woman under him every night and the things you would do to get a chance to be under- nope you're not going there he's your annoying boss and that's all he'll ever be. All you want to do is finish the work you have for the day so you can leave. You have a 5-page paper due tonight at 11:59 pm and because of your procrastination, you haven't started yet.

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