The Fates That Tie PT 2

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Summary: Miguel believes that his mate doesn't want him. And you believe that your mate is dead. What happens when the truth comes to light in an awful situation forcing him to hold you captive at HQ?

Tags: Hero Miguel x Villian, Fated Mates, enemies to lovers, vulgar language, misunderstood villain(ehhh sometimes), both Miguel and reader being mean to each other(still), mentions of sexual assault, forced proximity, angst angst angst 6.3k words

A/N: Sorry loves for the long wait I've been so busy since school started! Mwah<333


"What did you just do?"

You begin to stammer over your words. "I-I don't know it's your fault I told you not to come near me" Hordes of police are making their way into the park with their guns drawn and you swear amidst the crowd you see a few SWAT teams as well. When red lasers begin to land on your forehead you have to force yourself to put your hands up. You never meant for it to get this far.

You fear you might be in deep deep shit.

"Stand up slowly with your hands up any sudden movements and we'll open fire" You hate following orders but you know it's not the time to retaliate. Slowly you try to stand up but after almost dying you're finding difficulty to do so. You try again and this time before you can fall Miguel—Spiderman catches your elbow holding you upright.

"Spider-Man you are to hand Spark over, it's clear that she's a bigger threat to the citizens of Nueva York than we thought"

"With all due respect, I plan on holding her captive to better understand her powers and get her access to our on-site mental health facilitators. She needs help" You can't believe that he's using you like this if he really thinks you're going to be held in a cage then he's dead wrong. But you have no choice but to play along for now.

"She took down 2 buildings full of residents she's a threat to everyone even yourself"

"That's why she needs to be held at HQ so we can find a better way to deal with powers like hers. How long have we failed to actually retain her?" It's hard to tell because of the distance between you and the police but you can see the change in their body language that they are thinking about. But then again humans always wanted more power meddling with things that don't concern them.

"Stand down"

You ignore the way Spiderman's body sags in relief. He's not as tense as he just was. "We're going to give you a deadline she deserves to pay for her crimes"

"Understood if that's all I'll be taking her now the sooner the better" You can see that some of the officers disagree with this but they have no choice but to follow their leader's orders.

Spiderman turns around to detain you, the one hand on your arm that's holding you up slides down your arm, and then heavy metal is placed on your wrists. Handcuffs.

He grabs your arm again and this time with his free hand he uses it to swing you both away. The movement catches you off guard and a surprised yelp leaves your mouth. He doesn't stop until you're standing in front of a very tall building. It doesn't take a genius to know that this is HQ. When you can finally place two feet on the ground you have to focus all your energy on not throwing up.

"A little warning would've been great"

"I owe you nothing"

"Same here so now that's out of the way come and take these handcuffs off I think you proved your point to them"

"I wasn't lying I'm keeping you captive until I figure out what the hell to do with you"

"That's not happening get me out of these fucking handcuffs before I-"

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