Chapter 2

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a whole chapter of genyui yes I need more GenYui

$-•×Yuichiro's happinessו-$

Yuichiro's POV:

~=•august 8 1912•=~

it's my birthday on my room not celebrating keeping myself from crying until my door open and sees genya

"do not enter was written on my doorway"I said

"I know"he said walking towards me and sitting beside me

"hey it's your birthday you should celebrate it this year now you and your brother never celebrate it!"he said

"well-...I know but...Kanae"I said in a hint of sadness on my tone

"I know your still blaming yourself because you let her there but you should know to celebrate things like birthdays"he said

"Yui your 14 now you should be over it it's been 3 years since she died"he said

"I know! I just couldn't help it she's like my real sister!"I yelled

I hugged him and cry in his shoulder

"I'm so sorry I acted like this I just can't except it she's like my real sister"I said between my crying

genya and Muichiro are the only one who See's me show alot of emotion the only one that will always be there for me if I needed them

"shh calm down"Genya said trying to calm me down

I stopped crying and just hugged him tight

"how about I take you to a restaurant to celebrate your birthday I know you Yui so stop starving yourself"he said

"*chuckles* alright alright I guess starving myself insecret wouldn't escape you from finding it out"I said

"see my sweet friend is happy and smiling smile more!"he said

he always makes me smile he is the only one time flows by I remember when we first met


I was walking with my brother on the butterfly mansion it was before the final selection day I was having a bad day and accidentally bump into genya I was already a Hashira me and muichiro was trying to find shinobu

"watch where you going!"he yelled

"no you should be"I said

"Brother-!"muichiro kinda yelled

"I'm not the one who doesn't look where I'm going"he said

"Nii-San let's just go"Muichiro not willing a fight happen

"*sighs* bitch you know you are talking to a demon slayer that is a Hashira"I said

"Nii-san it's just an accident"said trying to calm me down

•~*at night*~•

"hey I'm sorry"I said apologizing we were on the roof of the butterfly mansion

"no it's fine it's my fault anyway"he said

"I was just in a bad mood this day"I said

"you do know you should had been more asure I was having a bad day too my brother still doesn't get proud of me your lucky your living a great like with your family unlike me"he said

"... actually Shinobu Kanao and Aoi is not actually my real siblings my only real sibling is Muichiro our parents was killed by a demon Infront of us Kanae saved us but when it was our 12th birthday she got killed by a demon uppermoon 2 she was the older sister I always wanted shinobu kanao and Aoi are my other sisters that I needed muichiro is my brother who I don't want to lose I would rather let myself die then him if I fail I will always feel regret"I opened up to Genya

"I'm sorry.."He apologize

"it's fine"I said

~-•1 day later•-~

"you know even when you're older and taller that doesn't mean to be rude to a Hashira remember you are not part of the demon slayer corps yet"I said because he made me embarrassed

"I mean it was funny in all but still don't make me do it again"I said

Genya was laughing so hard

"I can't it was just so so funny*laughs*"he said between laughs

"I guess he likes to make jokes... alright we should get going now"Muichiro said

"Alright"Genya and kanao said

(author's note:if you're confused muichiro and yuichiro was 13 at the time yuichiro because a Hashira at 12 just like muichiro but muichiro is not a Hashira in this au)

~ו|(end of flashback)|•×~

me and genya just finished eating on the restaurant I didn't get full because I didn't eat much but genya keeps dragging me everywhere and buys me food it was sweet feeling butterflies are in my stomach again

after the day we both got back to my estate it was a great time and I see fireworks on the sky me and genya climb there and watches the fireworks and I felt genya hold my hand I look at him and I see a little bit of blush on his face I was blushing abit too and is feeling lots of butterflies on my stomach he looks so cute when he smiles I look back at the fireworks and enjoy the scenery am I having a crush on genya or it's just friends love or something

~|•1 week later•|~

it's been a week now and genya now more often visits I wasn't that soft but when I'm around gen he always makes me feel weird feelings but I ignore it

I was practicing and genya ask me if I could train him of course I did he doesn't use breathing styles but it's fine I still help him improve his swordsmanship styles I was backing away for no reason and I was about to fall but luckily genya catch me I was blushing so much and I couldn't help but blush more of seeing genya blushing too does he like me back or something?

i see him leaning closer and closer until our lips touch I push him away immediately and I was blushing really hard trying to calm myself down

"why did you do that!?"I ask

"Nothing..."he said calmly

"why are you so calm about it!?"I ask

I ran to the butterfly mansion and goes to my room there well I mean I go here if something was bothering me aoi ask what's wrong and I told her what had happened

I'm shaking so bad I'm really scared of what had happened to school

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