chapter 4

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Tanjiro's POV:

"It seems you receive a letter from someone special, who is it Kamado-boy!"Renguko-san yelled"...oh it's from Muichiro Renguko-san"I said with a blush"looks like someone's blushing whatcha got there?"Zenitsu ask"it's nothing Zenitsu"I laughed not letting him get the letter"let him Agatsuma-boy it's his privacy!"Renguko-san yelled and messes my hair we all laugh and we got on the train

Muichiro's POV:

The mission goes smoothly and Yuichiro slayed the demon, as we got back to the butterfly mansion the triplets goes to me and Kanao"Muichiro-san! Kanao-san! Aoi-san has a fever!"Naho said"What!?"I said and ran to her room"she's alright it's just a cold she'll be alright in just a few days"Shinobu Nee-san reassured me"Thank god"I said walking to Shinobu Nee-san, grabbing her wrist where she injected the wisteria flower"Nee-san why do you inject poison your body?"I said in a concern voice"oh Muichiro, it's alright, you see I am alright"she said"I know but- you're not planning suicide are you?"she went silent as I said that"o-of course not Muichiro, why would you think that?"she said in her voice is nervousness"Nee-san please don't leave us you promise"There was some tensions on the room"I know Muichiro but this is the only way I know how to defeat Uppermoon 2"my eyes widening"We can defeat without the suicide!"I said"oh Muichiro, I already have too my poison ony body, and I wanna be with Nee-san alright? Do you Understand?"she said before walking out, I stood there looking at the ground really worried why would she do that? She promised not to us

I kept thinking and I got to my room opening my book about healing, so this is the reason why she is teaching me and Aoi bout healing so we can take care of the Estate after she dies, I kept thinking not even realizing I lost track of my reading, maybe I should take a shower and sleep, I close the book and take a shower after I took a shower I got dress and I go to sleep


I woke up and saw my twin brother on the door"hey would you like to train with me?"he ask"sure I guess"I got up and talked my sword and putting on the hairclips, after that me and Yuichiro train but then we heard a horrible news"Caw Caw The Flame Hashira died because he was defeated by the uppermoon 3"I was shock, I looked over at Yuichiro I saw his face of disappointment Renguko-san was so close with him and so he does with me, he would offer to train me almost everyday and he also tells me the food I make is delicious and would save some for lunch"I'll just go back to the butterfly estate to help the trio with their injuries Aoi is sick since last night..."I said and left as I walk to the butterfly mansion I saw a Kakushi carrying Tanjiro"Tanjiro!"I yelled and run to them"oh hey Muichiro..."he has a sad expression but still manage to smile"Kakushi could you please bring him to the butterfly Estate safely I'll go check on his injuries"the Kakushi nodded


Later I was just taking care of Tanjiro's injuries and I saw him staring at me a couple times"what's wrong you kept staring at me?"I ask"oh nothing, nothing"he said trying to avoid the question, I was secretly loving it"I got your letter by the way"he said with a smile"really?"I ask and he nodded, it make me blush a little hopefully he didn't see, I suddenly heard a chuckle and it was from him" know you have so much injuries"I said in concern"yeah I know"he said"you know you don't have to worry too much right?"he said in a sweet like honey voice"h-hey I'm just worried!"I said knowing my face is full red now"cute"as he said that I turned crimson red and ran out of the room, as I knew it Kanao was standing right in front of me

Kanao's POV:

Muichiro likes Tanjiro...right I guess I have to stop liking him, I want my little brother to be happy so I'll just go and let the couple be"aww is someone having a gay panic right now?"I said in a sarcastic tone"shut it Kanao, you'll soon will know this if Nezuko turn into a human and you would have this kind of panic too he said walking out I gave him a chuckle aww my little brother now a Adolescence

Someone ask to update so here it is
To be continued

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