Chapter 5

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*few months later*

(the entertainment district arc)

Uzui the sound hashira tries and kidnaps aoi and kanao tries to stop him muichiro thinks for a sec of what he should do and goes to help them kanao and Aoi were shock to see him making his own choices

Tanjiro came in and was about to headbutt uzui but uzui dodge it then kiyo Sumi and tanjiro fell to the ground

uzui:"your a fool"

Tanjiro:"let Ms Aoi and Naho go you lousy kidnapper!"

kiyo:"you heard him!"

Tanjiro:"What do you think your doing!"

Sumi:"pervert! pervert!"

Uzui:"I'm your superior!I'm a Hashira dammit!"

Tanjiro:"I don't acknowledge you as a Hashira!Huh!"

Uzui:"don't "Huh" me!I'm taking these two because I need some female corps member for a mission!"

kiyo:"Naho isn't a member of the corps!can't you see she's not wearing the uniform?"

Uzui:"I don't need her then "

Tengen drops Naho

Tanjiro catches Naho

Tanjiro:"how dare you do such a thing! you unhuman brute? give us Ms aoi back! we'll go in place of Ms aoi"

Uzui:"what do you mean "we"?"

*Tanjiro's friends inosuke and zenitsu comes in the scene*

Zenitsu:"y-you let go of aoi you hear!"

Uzui:"is that right? then I guess I'll take you with me but remember this Don't you dare to defy me!"

Uzui spanks aoi

Muichiro:"hey you shouldn't had done that!"

Kanao:"yea we will tell on Shinobu Nee-san!"

Muichiro:"you know that isn't right with the butterfly siblings or your dead with Shinobu Nee-san!"

Uzui:"I don't care"


Muichiro's POV:

"Tanjiro...Thank you"I said with a small blush"it's alright Tanjiro, it's for you and your sisters"he said as he holds both of my hands, I gave him a shy smile"here's a bento of fried rice, I know it's your favorite"his face lights up"Thank you so much, Muichiro, I appreciate it"he said and smile

Aoi's POV:

I watch them looking sweet as honey they would make a great couple, I should stop liking Tanjiro now, he and Muichiro already making it obvious that they like each other, as long as Muichiro is happy, I'm happy

Muichiro's POV:

"Have a nice trip, Tanjiro"I said, and he ruffles my head"I will Muichiro, Thank you"he said giving me a small peck on the head, I smiled at him with a blush waving goodbye, and so does he"oh I like him so much Ginko"I said talking to my crow"It is very Visible, are you that blind to not see that he likes you too"Ginko said rudely"how mean of you to say that in a rude tone"I said and walks back inside the butterfly estate"oh my, oh my, I heard someone has a crush"I heard Shinobu Nee-san"Shinobu Nee-san! You're back!"she nodded"I wanna talk to you in private Muichiro"she said and I followed her

Tanjiro's POV:

"You have a crush on Tokito's twin brother huh?"The flashy kidnapper said"well I mean....he is... Uh-"I couldn't say anything"he does Muichiro sends him a letter on our last mission to be honest"Zenitsu said"shut up Zenitsu-"I got cut by Inosuke"Monjiro Kamaboko lwikes Mukchirwo! And swo does Mukchirwo likes Monjiro!"he yelled"It's Tanjiro Kamado and his name is Muichiro not Mukchirwo!"I yelled getting mad at him for saying Muichiro's name wrong, I mean they aren't wrong I have a small crush on him(are you sure it's a small crush?)


After doing my chores around the Mansion"Sumiko come here"Ms Koinatsu called"yes Ms Koinatsu?"I ask sitting beside her"I have a letter from your lover"she said teasingly I blush"no, no Muichiro is not my lover"I tried to hide my feelings"oh my, but how? you two exchange letters alot you know, he is a pretty wise man on his letters"she said"yeah, I have to tell you about something though"she looked at me confused"I am not a girl"I said in a serious tone and then I heard a small laugh"oh my, Sumiko you're not fooling me, I already know since the first day you got here"she said and looked away embarrassed

Muichiro's POV:

It's been 3 weeks and I still haven't seen Tanjiro, I thought to myself not even focusing on Shinobu nee-san's lecture with me and Aoi about Healing, I then felt a spank on the head"oww, why did you do that Yuichiro!"I yelled seeing my twin brother"I know you're thinking about that scar headed guy again, Mui!"he said spanking my head again"it's not a good reason to spank my head that hard you know!"I said"I don't care, focus on Kocho's lesson, I have to go somewhere!","where? Genya and your date"I said teasingly he stood there frozen he turned pink"aww someone's has a crush on his best friend"I said before he thrown a book at me and walking out slamming the door, me and Aoi starts Snickering"he likes Genya?"Shinobu Nee-san ask"yes Nee-san"Me and Aoi continue to snicker

I got back to my room and start making a letter for Tanjiro"Ginko, what do you think is happening with Tanjiro right now do you think he is alright?"I ask Ginko"why do you think of him too much even your siblings are mad at you"Ginko said rudely, I chuckled"I just Love Tanjiro too much, you know that"Ginko side eyed me"Oh come on don't be like that"I said"what is happening on his mission right now Ginko"I ask"oh they are fighting a uppermoon demon"I froze shock"What!?"I yelled I ran down stairs"Nee-san I'm going to the entertainment district"I said running"Muichiro no, I can't lose you Muichiro, we already have backup"Shinobu Nee-san stop me, I pause and opened the door speeding to the entertainment district, I can't lose Tanjiro please

To be continued....

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