Chapter 7

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Muichiro's POV:

I think I should just make food for the training slayers because my training is already done, I wonder where Tanjiro is...I look around and didn't see him anywhere in the butterfly mansion, I soon spotted Aoi I walked to her"Aoi have you seen Tanjiro?"I ask her with a smile"yeah his just heading to Tomioka-san's Estate by now"she said while Hanging the bed sheet towels"alright then Aoi, see you later"I smiled and go to my room.

Few days later

"Aoi may I help?"I ask putting on the butterfly mansion worker uniform"..Sure Muichiro"she smiled while making onigiris for the training slayers, I started making Onigiris alongside her also making soup and fried Onigiri, we Talked and Laugh while making food for the slayers, Kanao soon came to the kitchen"hey...can I help you guys?"she ask and we both nodded in response"you two already finished your training?"Aoi ask the both of us"Yup, hopefully Yuichiro won't go really hard on the other slayers"I said knowing Yuichiro is worse than Uzui-san when training

Yuichiro's POV:

"Get up you dipshit, you already died more than 8 times you should probably give up by now"

Muichiro's POV:

"yeah hopefully"Aoi said in concern for the slayers"I don't think he is of how rough and a meanie he is, Genya almost give up because of him"Kanao said"yeah but lucky for Genya, Yuichiro is inlove with him, leading to the reason he is going easy on him"I said while continuing what we're doing"Yeah, he likes him pretty much he can't hurt him, he thinks we don't know about it but he actually show how he is inlove he even mumbles it"Aoi laugh"Oh how I'm so inlove with that boy~ oh gosh I wanna marry Genya right now~"I mocked Yuichiro as we all laugh by how inlove Yuichiro is for Genya"looks like the three of you are bonding"we heard Shinobu Nee-san laugh, we turned around and smiled

A few weeks go by and Genya and I go to Himejima's training to deliver food for the training slayers I saw Tanjiro alongside his friends"Tanjiro!"I yelled running to him"oh hi Muichiro, you have a Butterfly worker uniform why is that?"Tanjiro asked"well I already finished all my training since I train with Yuichiro most of the time, I'm here to deliver food"I smiled and he smiles back making me blush a little, I look away shyly"Thank you Muichiro, is Nezuko still calling you Brother-in-law?"he ask with smirk"well yeah"I chuckled"I don't get why she calls me that to be honest"I said, he laughed and then his friend jumps in"Food!"Inosuke said while grabbing the bento, I smiled one of the slayers walks towards us and said"Tanjiro can you make food for us, we're kinda hungry"he said with a small awkward chuckle"Alright!"Tanjiro smiled and go to the Cabin I followed inside there are so many slayers laying there obviously tired"Tanjiro, can I help? I have some supplies to make food"I said as he smiled and nodded

To be continued
I know it's short the Hashira Training arc is still not finished

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