What a day

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I woke up the sound of somebody banging on my door. My body jolts up, I try to run to the door as fast as I can and open it. Now, before we begin, here is a few things you should probably know about me in order for you to understand this whole thing. My name is Summer Vaila Gray. I live in NYC. I recently turned 15. My parents' names are Diane and Adam. We started to have problems with money when I was about 8. They started to drink, as well as blaming me for it. It all went down hill from there. Now at the age of fifteen, I have to put up with them. They aren't home much. Which I really don't mind. I go to a public school, but I don't have many friends. Partially I think because they all think some kind of weirdo. I mean I don't have phone, but I can live without it and it doesn't hurt anyone! I think I'm nice to people, if only they gave a chance. But back to the story.

"Open the goddamn door Summ- "Adam stops in the middle of the sentence as the door open. "There you are you little brat" he says as his arm stretches forward me. I stumble back a little bit. That seems to make him even more mad than he was before. "You little- come here" I fall to ground as he punches me in the stomach. What a delightful morning I think to my self as he leaves the room. I'm used to this by now. I go to my backpack and grab the pain killers I bought yesterday. I take one and then put them back in to the backpack. I put my shoes on and then climb out of the window, so that I don't have to see Daine today. I'm not going to school today, I have to do a few things. You know? VERY important things. I grab the pack of cigarettes that I put in my backpack yesterday as I try to find a free bench at the park. When I finally sit down, I take out my lighter and light the cig. I close my eyes and take a few hits. A tear comes falling from my eyes. I throw the cigarette away after stomping on it. After that I go to the library. I love libraries, the smells of the books and the quiet. I go to the Poetry section and as I stretch my arm to the book I want I suddenly bump into someone. I turn and see a beautiful lady. She has mesmerizing blue eyes. "Oh sorry, you can have it, I've already read it anyway." She says, I just smile and say thank you. Then I walk away. I hate interacting with people, but she was really nice. Then its time to go back home.

When I come back the house is quiet. Way too quiet. I step inside the house. Normally I would run up to my room as fast as possible, but not this time. Something is different... wrong. I peek inside the bathroom. That's when I see both of them laying on the bathroom floor. Diane and Adam. I go inside and check if they're breathing. But I already know the answer. I start to panic. What do I do? Then it hits me, if the police found out that my parents died, they will surely give me to a foster home or an orphanage. I can't let that happen. I run upstairs and pack my backpack with everything I own. Don't get me wrong I feel sorry that theyre gone, but also after all the horrible things they did to me, I couldn't help to feel a little relived. I go to the bathroom again and pick up Diane's phone. I call the 911 and say the address. Then I leave the phone next to Diane and Adams bodies. Then I wall out of the house and look at it one last time. After that I go roaming through the streets of New York City.


Authors note

Heyy, sorry Its kinda short. But other wise, what are we thinking? I would lov eto hear your thoughts. Also If there is anything you guys would like to see in this story, im open to any ideas!

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