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Summer's Pov:

The doorbell rings "Yay pizzas here." I don't say anything. The feeling of eating pizza, the feeling of eating anything actually." I cringe at the thought. "I am so hungry." Taylor says as she places the pizza boxes and two plates on the coffee table in front of us. Taylor wanted me to see this series. Grey's anatomy, I think. Taylor hands me a plate with one pizza piece on it. "Thank you miss Taylor." "Again? Vai, you need to stop calling me that." "Well, what else am I supposed to call you? It's always TAyLoR, TaYlOr, TAyLor... Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful name, but you know." Taylor looks at me with fake offended look on her face. "I mean my you can call me Tay, Tay Tay, T-Swizzle... stuff like that. How I'm I supposed to call you? Vaila, so far, I only thought of Vai." "Uhm, my name is Summer my second name is Vaila." "Summer is such a cool name, I know, what about Mer?" "Nobody ever gave me nickname, but Mer is really pretty." I blush. By now Tay has her second serving, while I had the one that she gave me. I feel bad, Taylor has bought the pizza for me and her obvi, but she spends her money on me, and I can't even eat it? "Summer? Everything alright? You zoned out there." "Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

Taylor's Pov:

I noticed that Vai zones out a lot, also she didn't even touch her food. Come on Taylor its stupid, you can't assume that she has an eating dis. just because she didn't eat the pizza. Soon I'll have to bring up the fact that she was on the streets when I found her. She won't like that, that's for sure. Oh, and Tree won't like that too. Damn I forgot about that. "Vai, you won't like this but I have to ask you a few questions." "Oh, sure."

Summer's Pov:

I knew this was coming, after all she let a complete stranger into her house. "Oh sure" "So, we'll star by something easy, what is you full name?" "Summer Vaila Gray" I answer, well that was easy. "Great, second, could I get your phone number?" "You can't since I don't have phone." Again super easy. "Oh we'll figure that later then." "Third, Summer why were you on the streets all alone?"

Taylor's Pov:

I can feel her shift uncomfortably. "I guess I owe you so..." "You don't owe me anything." I interrupted her. "Just talk when you're ready, no pressure." I felt so protective of this kid, she was so pure. "Yeah well, you'll be shocked. I'm not going to lie to you so just be prepared, k?" "Of course" "Ok, so, when I came back home today, I couldn't find my parents, so I looked a little bit and I found them..." She stopped for a little while before speaking again. "Dead" I gasp. "In the bathroom, Im sorry, I ran away, I panicked I didn't know what to do and I mean I called the ambulance, but... but." I hug her. She is crying at this point and so I'm I. That's so terrible. She's only fifteen. "Were you close with your parent sweetheart?" She sniffles into me little bit before looking at me with teary eyes. "Not at all, maybe when I was little, but no." Summer answers. "They blamed me for our money problems, you know the clothes that I showed you earlier?" I nod, knowing what's about to come. "They were my only ones, and the ones that I had on me when you found me, they also drank and often forget me." "I'm so sorry Mer. You won't like this but we will go to the police station tomorrow. In the meantime, you'll be staying with me" "Tay, I won't go there, they will put me into foster home or something like that. That's why I ran away, I can't risk being with a stranger. You are different I feel safe with you." I hug her again and mumble "I'll see what I can do sweet" into her hair. I have to be with her, something is telling me. 


Authors note

Hey guys! How are we liking the Pov thing? 

Im really sorry if I wont be able to update. I should do some updates this week, but Im really busy with school rn. But Ill try to update at least once a week. Anyways, see ya soon xx

Enjoy <3

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