♡Chapter 12♡

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Prince Jacob's POV:

I hid behind a big vase of flowers and peeked to see who they were. I was taken aback when I saw King Stephen and Queen Elizabeth about to leave the castle. I would've thought it was one of my brothers and one of the princesses but I guess I was wrong. What could they be doing at this time of night? Should I follow them? I want to but I might get punished. If I did follow them, my questions and curiosity will be answered. Ugh, why does decision making have to be so complicated? You know what? I only get to do this once in my life, so I'm going to follow them.

"Quick, get in. Before anyone sees us." The King hurriedly let the Queen in their carriage. My carriage happened to be behind me, so I took one of the horses and followed the Royal Majesties.

The chase is on. Their speed are accelerating with each passing second and following them are starting to be a little bit of a problem. Why are they in such a hurry? After a lot of turns and obstacles, they finally halted in front of a huge vine covered wall.

"Are you ready?" King Stephen looked at Queen Elizabeth. "More than you know." She answered with courage and bravery through her voice. And the next thing I know...

"Jacob, wake up! It's time for breakfast and everyone is waiting for you!" Peter exclaimed. It was all a dream? Nevermind, my whining brother is all I'm worried about right now. "Alright, alright. I'm awake." I said, rubbing my eyes. "Just hurry up and get ready. I'm beginning to starve because of you." I rolled my eyes at him, he's overreacting again. Well, I got changed and went to the dining hall.

"There you are! Come, join us for breakfast." My mother said. I sat down on an empty, seat right beside Luke. "You know, it was pretty embarrassing when all of us waited for you for 20 whole minutes." He whispered to me. "You don't need to remind me." I whispered back. "What took you so long anyway?" "Just enjoying my sleep, I guess." He gave me a suspicious look after what I said. "Just don't let that happen again, got it?" I nodded at his statement.

"Father, how's the search for Judy?" Everyone turned their heads to look at Princess Lucy. She looked very worried, and I can understand why she had that expression on her face. "We're still at ground zero, but don't worry darling, we will find your sister." King Stephen replied.

Author's Note
Hello my butterflies! I'm so, so, soooo sorry that I haven't posted! This chapter has been in my drafts for months, and I finally made the decision to post. Again, I'm so sorry, and I hope you guys have a great day!

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