♡Chapter 19♡

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??? POV:

Ah, there it is. Eucharis in all its glory. The time when the 9 Kingdoms used to live in peace, and coexist with each other. A place of paradise where magical creatures roam about in all the land, especially in the Enchanted Forest. Wait, back up a bit. 9 Kingdoms? Magical creatures? Oh, right, we're in the past! This was Eucharis before the Fall of the Fairies. Well, you're here listening to me already, so why not tell you the history of Eucharis? Back then, Eucharis had 9 total Kingdoms, and you already know 4 of them, but what are the other 5? It's a good thing I'm here to tell you. First up, the Kingdom of Nymphaea. It used to be located North-East. Next is the Kingdom of Epiphyllum, located North-West. Thirdly, the Kingdom of Helianthus, which lies South-East. Up next, is the Kingdom of Narcissus, which used to be the Kingdom in the South-West. And last but not the least, the Kingdom of Wisteria, which used to be located at the heart of the Enchanted Forest. Okay, like I said earlier, there used to be 9 Kingdoms that reigned over the grounds of this world, but there was one Kingdom that was a little bit different than the others. I'm just going straight to the point, it was Wisteria. Wisteria holds the largest Royal Family. It starts with High King George and High Queen Catherine. They had two sons, the firstborn being Prince William Duskbloom and the second being Prince Liam Duskbloom. Time had passed, the Princes grew up, and Prince William was crowned King. Soon after he was crowned, he was wedded to a woman named Anna. She served as the Grand Duchess of Nymphaea, that was until she married King William, which made her rank go up to Queen. Prince Liam got married the same year as them. He was wedded to the Marchioness of Narcissus named Cordelia. King William and Queen Anna had twins a year after their marriage, named Adrien and Avery. Then Prince Liam had a son named Cynfael, 3 years after the twins were born. Are you still listening? I hope you are, because this is where things get messy. The thing is, Prince Liam was always jealous of his older brother. William had it all, the support from their parents, the cheers from their people, and the love from his wife and children. Now, Prince Liam may have those three qualities I've mentioned, but for him, it wasn't enough. To him, he didn't feel as loved by his parents like William was. To him, people didn't care about him as much as they did William. He wanted to be as praised, as loved, and as appreciated like his brother. At first, it was mere jealousy, but then it grew into something more. He started resenting his brother, then that resentment reached his parents. He wanted to be King so bad, that he made a plan to move all of the attention from William to him. Making this plan was harder than he thought. If only he could wish his way to the throne, he would've done so, but it doesn't work that way. Everything has it's own limits. Even if he wanted to be King, he can't. His brother beat him to it because he was the firstborn child. So he thought deeper. He thought of nothing, but then a person popped up in his mind. It was his nephew, Adrien. Why? Because he was the next in line to the throne. So he had to get both William and his son off the grid. How? He tried to figure out a way to get rid of the two, but he searched for weeks. Those weeks turned to months, which then turned into years. He went on and on about his plan, he even went to see a wizard for advice. It turns out, that the wizard was Liam's missing piece. With the help of the wizard, he became a sorcerer, and he learned all about different types of magic. He found out, that with the use of the Fairies, people can travel different worlds in different times. Before I continue, are you still here? You better keep your eyes opened, and your ears perked up! Okay, going back, with Liam's newfound information, he put his plan into action. With the use of the Fairies, he sent William and Adrien to another world. He succeeded, but Anna and Avery accidentally got thrown away from Eucharis along with them. He didn't care about that though. The brother he hated so much was now out of sight, and he became King of Wisteria. People didn't know that King William and his family were sent to another world, they only knew that they were killed by pirates. Okay, redirecting the topic to Liam, he got what he wanted now. He got the people's attention, but he slowly yearned for more. He realized, why only stop for his Kingdom's praise? So he made his goal one thing. Rule over Eucharis. Now, you must be thinking, there's no way that the other Kingdoms don't know about this monstrosity happening in Wisteria. Well, believe it or not, they do know. Before the Fairies went extinct, Aurelia, the Fairy of Time, sent a message to the other Kingdoms. It was in the form of a letter. She distributed the letters to the other Kingdoms through magic, right before Liam took her life. Alright, to make this more interesting than it already is, I'll show you what the letter says.

Dear Kings and Queens of Eucharis,

Beware! Our world is in danger! King Liam is plotting to rule over Eucharis! He already made his first step by throwing King William and his family into another world, and he is now the King of Wisteria. Now, I may not know what Kingdom he goes after next, but please do not disregard this letter!

If you have received this letter, you will find two vials of potion attached to it. A Queen must drink from a vial, and the King must drink from the other. With this, you will gain powers that us Fairies agreed upon giving you. Use these powers with caution, and use it for the greater good. Do not let anything tempt you into using thesel powers for evil.

I've used up my last bit of strength to send you this letter, and by the time you're reading this, I have probably passed away. Please remember to do everything I told you to. Not just for me, but for the sake of Eucharis. I'm counting on you.


And that was the last letter Aurelia sent. The only problem was, only four letters were given out. One letter each for Lilium, Hyacinthus, Dianthus, and Alstroemeria. Do you see what's happening here? The other 4 Kingdoms were not informed of this, so they weren't given any time to prepare. Liam soon found out about this, and he took the opportunity to wipe out Nymphaea, Epiphyllum, Helianthus, and Narcissus. It took a while for the 4 remaining Kingdoms to figure out this magic thing, but they managed to banish the Royal Family of Wisteria out of Eucharis. The Wisterians were left all alone in the Enchanted Forest, so the Kingdoms decided they would take them in. Nobody spoke a word about the Fall of the Fairies, and they wanted to keep it that way. So they made a potion that would make people forget about this event.

And that my friends is how messed up Eucharis really is. Everyone just got manipulated into forgetting about what happened. The magic got sucked out of this world, figuratively. I cannot tell you the rest of what happened, so you just have to figure it out on your own. I also cannot tell you who I am, for the sake of everyone's safety. Now, what I've told you plays a crucial part in the present, so keep this history with you. I may not help you, but you can help yourself. With all that being said, I should go back to hiding. See you out there.

•Author's Note•
Hello, my butterflies! I apologize for not updating! To make up for it, here's Chapter 19! Speaking of apologies, I'm sorry if this chapter confused you hihi. I just rushed this chapter, so please do understand if there are any grammatical errors. Okay, that's enough yapping for me. I'll update Dream soon. See you in the next one!

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