♡Chapter 16♡

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Author's POV:

King Percival and Queen Elizabeth have arrived in Alstroemeria. "Good afternoon, how may I help you?" A woman had asked the siblings once they were inside the castle. "We would like to speak with the King and Queen." Queen Elizabeth replied. "I hereby apologize. The King and Queen are busy right now. They have specifically ordered to turn down requests from their people and guests until tomorrow. If you'd like, I can put the two of you on our waiting list so that you'll be one of the first people to talk to the King and Queen once they're free." The woman explained. She was rather strict, and had a cold look on her face. "Please, can't we talk to them now? It's about a serious matter and we need to see them." King Percival pleaded to the woman. "I'm sorry. As I said earlier, they will not be talking to anyone." She continued to stand her ground. "What about Princess Joanne? Can we talk to her?" Queen Elizabeth quickly thought about their friends' daughter. The woman they were talking to didn't really mention about prohibitions with talking to the Princess. "Wait here. I will confirm whether or not you are allowed to speak with the Princess." The woman walked away, leaving the two standing by the doors of the castle. "Do you think Joanne still remembers us?" The King spoke. "I'm not quite sure. The last time we saw her was when she was six years old." The Queen replied. After a few minutes, the woman came back and spoke to them. "The Princess is available. Please follow me." She turned her back on them, as the two followed her. The woman led them to the palace's courtyard. "The Princess is right over there. I'll give you some privacy now, if you excuse me." She quickly bowed to the two and left. "Well, here goes nothing." King Percival said, taking a deep breath. He was hoping that Princess Joanne would remember them. She used to play with him a lot when she was younger, and he cherished those moments up until now. He hasn't experienced having a daughter so he treated her, along with her twin sister, like his own children. "Good afternoon. Lenora told me about two guests asking to talk to me. How may I help you?" The Princess was smiling warmly at her guests. She doesn't remember us. The thought crossed the King's mind. "Between you and me, we were hoping that we could ask you to tell your parents that we are here to talk to them. Your servant seems to be strict and didn't let us talk to them." Queen Elizabeth replied. She was holding her breath, trying to read the Princess' expression. Please let us talk to them, please! The thought was repeatedly chanting in her mind. "Well, if you promise me you won't tell Lenora, I'll do as you ask." The sense of mischief was circling around her presence. She didn't really like Lenora, the woman was so strict, she didn't let Princess Joanne do anything fun. "Yes! We promise we won't tell anyone." King Percival instantly agreed to her deal. "Well then, what would you like me to ask my parents?" The Princess tilted her head a bit. "Please tell them that King Percival and Queen Elizabeth are here to tell them important news. Once they hear our names, I think they'll be able to understand." Queen Elizabeth explained what Princess Joanne had to tell her parents. "Wait, are you telling me that you two are King and Queen? From what Kingdom?" Her eyes were widened, after hearing that information. "Yes we are, now please hurry. We need to see your parents urgently." King Percival told the Princess to go and find her parents. She quickly went in the palace and looked for them. She found them in the garden, putting up decorations for the Kingdom's Art Festival. "Mom, dad, King Percival and Queen Elizabeth are here to talk to you." Her parents looked at each other with wide eyes and told the castle staff that they would be gone for a while. "Where are they?" King James asked his daughter. "They're in the courtyard. They said they wanted to see you urgently." Princess Joanne replied. The three of them hurriedly went to the courtyard. "What are you two doing here?" Queen Alice asked, surprised by their friends' visit. "You better put your shields up, and keep your children inside this castle at all costs." Queen Elizabeth warned. "What are you taking about?" King James asked, clearly confused by the warning Queen Elizabeth has announced. "Can we talk about this somewhere more private? Who knows, maybe someone's listening to this conversation." King Percival had requested. They couldn't afford being seen or heard right now, so they went inside the castle.

King James' POV:

We went inside our castle to talk. I can't believe we're talking to Elizabeth and Percival again. It's been years, if not decades since we last saw each other. They probably have something serious to talk about if they decided to approach us now. "Joanne, I think it's best if you go to your room first. You can come out right after we talk." I couldn't let my daughter know whatever is going on right now. "I'm just going to get straight to the point. Three royals have been missing. My daughter, Percival's son, and David's son. We discussed about this yesterday, and we thought that it'd be best if you put up a protection spell around your Kingdom, and keep your daughters inside the castle to prevent them going missing next." Elizabeth broke the silence. Royals have been missing? I couldn't let my daughter's go missing! "You're right. We should keep them here. Do you know who's behind this? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't go missing if someone wasn't behind this." I replied, waiting for an answer. "We have no idea who's been doing this, but whoever they are, they're going to pay for stealing our children from us!" Percival affirmed. "We'll have to work together if we want to find them." Alice added. She's right. If we want the peace to return, we would have to work together again. Eucharis has suffered enough in the past, we couldn't let that happen again. "Just be careful, okay? We need to be cautious, now that we know that there's a threat living among us. With all that being said, we should go now. Our children are waiting to be saved." Elizabeth spoke once again. She was the second oldest among us eight Kings and Queens so if would only make sense that she's making sure we were safe. "Alright, we're hoping to see you again soon." Alice bid goodbye. The two left, leaving me and my wife in the meeting hall. "We should start with that protection spell." She said, with a look of concern on her face. "Yeah, we should. We need to talk to the girls too. They need to stay here until we're sure that this problem is resolved." I replied. Being a ruler of a Kingdom is hard. But alas, this is what we do for the safety of everyone, especially our children.

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