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~Luckiest girl in the world~
December 4

"I really apologise about that whole thing" Charles apologizes, but hes grinning from ear to ear. I can't help but laugh. I'm standing in the Ferrari building, my clothes are sticky and smelling horribly of alcohol, yet I'm weirdly extremely happy.

"Please say you brought a spare set of clothes" Charles adds, sending me a nervous smile. Like his smile is infectious, my lips curve upright as I shake my head at him. I literally live 5 minutes away from the track, I can easily go change.

"Uh, I might have something you can borrow" He responds, and for some stupid reason, my cheeks immediately warm up. I awkwardly stand still, as he starts to walk away. Do I follow him, or...?

Charles gestures with his hand, telling me to come with him.  I immediately follow, walking closely behind him as he leads me somewhere in the building. He stops right in front of a door, Charles Leclerc written on a sign besides it.

"Welcome to my room" He jokes, opening the door to reveal a relatively small room, a bed and closet being the only furniture inside. He leads me inside, closing the door behind me. Oh my fucking god.
I'm in a formula 1 driver's room.

"I must have something here..." He mutters, looking through his closet. It's clear this isn't his normal wardrobe, stacks of bright red Ferrari shirts being the only thing inside. He looks for at least a minute, clearly unsatisfied with the Ferrari shirts.

"You know what..." He hesitates for a second, turning around to meet my eyes.  "You can have my hoodie" He says, his green eyes locking with mine. "Oh, it's fine don't-" I start to mumble, but my words trail off, as Charles takes his shirt off right in front of me.

My eyes widen, and despite my best efforts, my gaze lands on Charles and his abs... Stop. Carolina. Stop.

Charles puts me out of my trance, handing me the hoodie. "Uh, t-thanks" I reply, taking the hoodie in my hands. Since when did I start stuttering!? Charles lets out a chuckle, standing shirtless in front of me like it's nothing.

The classic Leclerc smirk spreads across his face, as he takes a Ferrari shirt out of the closet. "I'll wait outside" He states, the smirk prominent as he opens the door, pulling the shirt over his head while he walks out. 

The sound of the door closing fills my ears, but I continue to stand in complete shock. That was probably the most embarrassing moment of my whole life... I pull my wet shirt over my head, the fabric sticking to my bare skin.

I put on Charles's hoodie, the smell of his cologne immediately prominent. I can't help but smile. It's way too big, but it smells exactly like him. I shake my head, in absolute disbelief of the situation that just unfolded in front of me,  as I open the door.

If my cheeks weren't already bright red before, they most definitely are now.


I sit down beside Charles on the bright red sofa. His eyes laying on me, as I lean back. He looks at me for what feels like an eternity, before his gaze drops down to his hands.

"It looks good on you..." He says, his voice so low I have to concentrate to hear him. He gives me a little smile, that makes my stomach flutter.

Before I get to reply, he clears his throat adjusting himself in the sofa. "Look I know I said that I just needed you this weekend" He starts, his eyes switching between me and his hands.

"But I've never seen someone outside my family be able to handle Julius the way you do" He tells me, locking his green eyes with mine.

"And I don't even know long it's been since he's been this comfortable around a woman" He continues, and I can't help but speculate about Julius's mother... Where is she? Does he even have a mother?

I push away the thoughts. It's none of my business.

"So I was wondering if you want to continue taking care of Julius?" He asks, and I stop fighting my smile, letting my lips curve into a smile.

"I would love to" I answer, causing Charles to let out a relieved sigh, a smile spreading across his face.

"Great...We're going to Abu Dhabi in 2 weeks, so if you're up for it, you can fly with us on Wednesday" Charles says, his face covered by a hopeful expression.

"Sounds good" I respond, the excitement already bubbling up in my stomach. I'm going to the season finale, and I'm flying there in a private jet!!

Silence falls between us, and I find myself just staring at Charles and those dimples that show when he smiles.

This weekend has felt like an absolute fever dream, and I've loved every second.

"Oh and I'll make sure my manager takes care of your first paycheck" Charles assures me, but money hasn't even crossed my mind yet. I'd do this for free any day.

"I guess I'll see you at the airport on Wednesday" Charles says, that sweet smile wiped across his lips, as we both stand up.

"I'll look forward to it" slips out of my mouth, panic immediately rushing through my whole body. God that sounded so wrong.

The smirk I've seen countless of times by now, grows across his lips. This is so embarrassing. He's practically my boss, why would I say that?!

"I'll look forward to seeing you as well Carolina" Charles replies, the confidence clear in his voice. He takes a step towards me, and...

Charles's arms wrap around me in a hug. My body tenses up, caught off guard by the gesture. As my body relaxes again, realization hits me.

Charles Leclerc is hugging me.

His cologne fills my nose, my whole body focusing on the spot where Charles's arm wraps around me.

We both pull away from the hug, smiles plastered across our lips. It was only a hug. It was nothing Carolina, stop overreacting.

But no matter how much I try to stop myself, my cheeks flush warm and my stomach flutters with butterflies as Charles walks out of the building.

I can't wait till it's Wednesday...


As I finally lay down in my bed, still wearing Charles's hoodie, the events from this weekend circulate through my mind. Suddenly a notification pings on my phone.

'New transaction' the notification reads. I immediately unlock my phone, it must be my paycheck.

My eyes widen as the number pops up on my screen. Fucking hell. It feels like everything starts spinning, my mind not fully registering the digits.

I rub my eyes, I must be seeing this wrong. But no. It's true.

A hand falls over my mouth, the shock running down my spine. This enough money to pay a year's worth of rent. Hell this is enough to buy a whole new apartment...

I must be the luckiest girl in the whole fucking world right now.


Guys it just started snowing outside, I'm so happy!!❤️❄️

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