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~Bravest woman~
December 14

"Carolina you're going to be fine, calm down" Charles tells me, trying to encourage me, as the ski lift goes higher and higher. But his comment doesn't help me, his own expression coated in nerves making me freak out even more.

"These are the easiest slopes right?" I ask him, looking down and immediately regretting it. Oh my god. We are so high up.

Charles's skies swing in the air, as the wind blows at my braided hair that sticks out from my skiing helmet.

"Uh, they are but..." Charles starts, clenching his teeth in a nervous smile. God this can literally only go wrong.

"You know what, I don't even want to hear it" I reply, keeping my gaze straight ahead, trying to avoid the incredibly steep mountain in front of me.

I can hear Charles silently laugh besides me, as he adjusts himself in the lift. We're getting near the top... Charles looks over at me, his green eyes digging into my side profile, until I give in and look over at him.

"I'll be right beside you okay?" Charles softly speaks, intensely looking into my eyes. I force myself to nod. "We'll take things slow, only do what you're comfortable with" Charles reassures, his voice intense, but with a hint of softness that makes it, so goddamn attractive.

Stop Carolina. Stop. I push away the thoughts, but they reappear the second Charles's eyes lock with mine.

"I'll take care of you, don't worry" Charles tells me, shining that sweet smile, that makes his dimples come through, at me.

I return the smile, my cheeks flushed pink from the blistering cold wind, and other reasons. Before I can prepare myself, we're at the top and we need to jump of the lift.

I freeze, panic making my body unable to function. Charles immediately notices, giving me a nod, as he takes my hand.

With a firm grip around my hand, Charles jumps down the lift, forcing me to join him. The second my skis hit the ground, a breath of relief escapes my mouth.

If that made me panic so much, how am I going to make it down a whole fucking mountain?!...

Charles pulls me forwards with him, my skis sliding over the snow. He stops us right at the edge, my eyes widening at the view down.

I'm definitely freaking out. I swear that looks like a fucking death trap. "Carolina?" Charles says, gripping my shoulder, snapping me out of the panicked trance I'd entered.

"It's okay, I'll help you" Charles tries to reassure me, but I can feel my breathing speed up, my heart beating out of my chest.

"Carolina" Charles repeats, his hand going up to cup my cheek, a worried expression covering his face. God. I keep looking down the steep slope, even more panic rushing to my head.

"Look at me." Charles demands, pressing his forehead against mine. Immediately he grips my attention.

His hand is cupping my cheek, our foreheads are pressed together, and my god. His lips are inches away from mine.

"Do you trust me?" Charles asks me, his voice hard and direct, but his eyes, those fucking eyes, soften as they lock with mine.

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