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December 23

Bright sunshine barges into the bedroom through the thin curtains. A heavy arm is curled around me, heavy breaths being exhaled behind me.

I smile to myself. Charles is laying behind me, holding onto me like it's his duty to protect me. I pull the blanket over me, keeping my eyes closed to enjoy the peace.

"Why isn't Papa and Carolina awake?!" I can hear Julius complain somewhere in the house. Guess that was all the peace we're getting...I hold in a groan, forcing my eyes open.

"Charles?" I whisper, trying to free myself from his tight grip. In return I get a groan, his arms wrapping around me even firmer.

"Charles we need to wake up" I quietly tell him. He adjusts himself, resting his chin on my bare shoulder, as he refuses to move.

"Just 5 minutes..." He mumbles, pulling me closer into him. A cold shiver runs down my spine from the sound of his voice. It might be the hottest morning voice imaginable.

"Charles." I repeat, trying to sound harsher, but it clearly doesn't work. I shift myself in his grip, try to escape his arms, but he's way too strong.

"Just stay here with me" Charles mumbles in response, his cold breath running down my collarbone. I scoff at him.

"If you don't get up right this second Charles Leclerc, you'll lose your kissing privileges for the rest of the day" I respond, fighting back a smile as the tips of his hair stick against my cheek.

He chuckles behind me, immediately letting go of me, stretching his arms out on either side of me so he's on top of me. Knew it would work...

The second he lets go of me, I quickly move away from him. Ducking under his arm, I leave the bed in record speed, holding the blanket around me.

With a laugh I try to run away, but Charles quickly follows after. Within a mere second, his arms are around my waist, holding me back.

"My kissing privileges huh?" He asks, turning me around to face him, as I hold up the blanket around my naked body.

A smile is wiped across our lips, as he carefully forces me up against the wall. I nod at him, as his hands hold firmly on my hips, locking me in place.

"So you think you'd be able to go a whole day without kissing me?" He continues, once again daring me on. I smile, I could resist it for several months, I can do 1 day without any struggle.

"1 day is a piece of cake for me" I answer, taking the opportunity to look down at Charles's toned abs. Charles can't resist the classic smirk, as he leans in further. I love riling him up.

"Let's make a bet then" Charles replies, crossing his arms over his chest, a the corner of his mouth forms a smug smile.

"Seriously?" I ask, a grin taking over my mouth. Charles nods, making the distance between us even smaller as he runs a hand through my curls.

"I'm taking away your kissing privileges, and if you make it, you win. If you don't then I'll win" Charles clarifies, putting out his hand for me to shake. I'm about to accept his hand before I suddenly remember something.

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