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So much has happened in 2022-2023, we have lost some family members, some friends, heck we even lost ourselves through through this year, but we can't forget about the good times that have happened to us too. Now I know some people here wish that they could go back in time and stay there forever to be with your loved ones. But to tell you the truth, if we didn't have losses, struggles, pains, suffering or sorrows we wouldn't be able to learn or grow from it. We would have never had new memories to share with others, we would have never had a new family members to teach to, heck we would not be who we are today if there was no pain to take in first before we could take in the good last. Right now it may seem like all hope is lost and that there's nothing you could do to change the fact that reality has hit you too many times and yet there's so many good things about reality that you may not realize you just had and now know of it. For example if you didn't lose your old friends you wouldn't have new friends that could stay with you a little bit longer than your old, without losing some of your old family members you wouldn't have your new family members that you had today, if you didn't change and stayed the same you would have not learn new lessons and things about you that you have never even knew about yourself until you got older, you would not have became successful in life without the good and bad combined to affect are lives, so just remember even when life gets you down the most and keeps hitting you on the back really hard no matter what you always continue to get up because you may not know it but you're going to hit a gold digger one day and you're going to be even more happier than before.

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