Chapter 20: New Recruits

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(3rd pov)

Shadis: Congratulations cadets. Over the last three years, you have proven you've got what it takes to serve humanity. Standing before you are the top cadets of your unit. Mikasa Ackerman, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Annie Leonhart, Eren Yeager, Jean Kirstein, Conny Springer, Sasha Braus, and Christa Lenz. These talented few are the only ones who have earned the privilege to join the Military Police. The rest of you are limited to the Survey Corps and the Garrison Regiment.

All of the cadets stood tall with their arms behind their backs as the commandant spoke. Most of them were nervous now that a chapter of their life had finished and they were faced with an uncertain future. Some of them had even decided to pick a branch different than the one they originally decided on. Others had remained rooted in their decision since the beginning. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were the only three who had not changed their minds. They were dead set on the Scouts. Eren was happy that he would soon be near his brother again while Armin was excited at the prospect of learning all he could to become the best version of himself. Mikasa however, had something else in mind. During their time apart, her romantic feelings for Y/n had blossomed. When she thought he was dead it was like a part of her had died inside. When she witnessed him appear out of the nape of his Titan form, a plethora of emotions had sprung forth. The second she saw him again, she would pull him aside and lay everything on the table.

Shadis: I now turn you over to Commander Erwin Smith of the Survey Corps.

Erwin: Good evening everyone. As the commandant just told you, I am the commander of the Survey Corps, or Scout Regiment as it is more commonly known. If you don't mind, I'll cut right to the chase. The scouts need you. After the attack in Trost, you now know firsthand the horror of the Titans as well as the limits of your ability. However, this recent battle has given humanity a glimmer of hope in the form of Sergeant Y/n Yeager. You have no doubt seen or heard of this mysterious Titan ability that he possesses. After risking both life and limb, he has more than proven his loyalty to the cause. Yeager hasn't only helped us claim victory for the first time in 100 years, but he has also offered us a chance to learn the truth of their origin.

Every single one of the cadets gasped, including the trio directly affiliated with Y/n.

Erwin: Intel suggests that the cellar of Yeager's former home in Shiganshina holds valuable information regarding our enemy. We will form an expedition to find this secret and use it to break free from the hold the Titans have had on us for the past century.

The cadets began whispering amongst themselves, offering individual takes on what they thought was there.

Armin(in mind): I know they're desperate for recruits, but going public with this is way out of line.

Eren(in mind): I doubt they'd reveal this kind of information without some hidden goal. Maybe it's to flush out whoever is behind the attacks on Shiganshina and Trost. If the Commander has baited the hook then who is it he intends to catch?

Erwin: Before we can reach the aforementioned cellar, there exists a problem that must first be dealt with. I am of course talking about Wall Maria. To get our hands on this secret, we must first seal the hole created in the outer gate.

Petra and Miche stepped forward and unveiled a map detailing a few of the districts, one of which had a big red x over it.

Erwin: Now that the outer gate of Trost has become inaccessible, we will be forced to stage any expeditions from Calaneth District in the east. Thus the route we've spent the last four years developing has become completely useless to us. Over those four years, we've incurred losses exceeding 60%. 60% in four years. That is a horrifying figure.

Petra tensed up as she remembered the soldier she and Levi had saved who had ended up dying.

Erwin: One month from now, we will conduct a recon mission outside the walls. Recruits from among your ranks will be expected to take part. I estimate a third will die. After four years, most will be dead. Those who endure will become the most capable soldiers alive. While the likes of the garrison or military police will extend the longevity of your life, the scouts will hone your skills to ensure that you become the best of the best. Now, having heard this dismal state of affairs, anyone who still wishes to put their life on the line, remain here. But first, you must ask yourselves, are you prepared to give your heart? Can you give everything for humanity? Anyone who wishes to join another regiment is dismissed.

Jean(in mind): Dammit! Come on, I've already decided. Stop making me look like such a fool!

Sasha(in Mind): If I don't leave now, I'll have to go through it all again.

Conny(in mind): I left my village to join the MPs. That was the whole point. I wanted mom to be proud of me. I wanted to be respected. Everyone respects the MPs, so why? Why did I waver?

Jean(in mind): There's no going back, not after what I've seen and gone through.

Sasha(in mind): Seen them up close and-

Conny(in mind): Seen how they eat people.

Once everyone left who wanted to, only thirteen remained. Out of what amounted to a few hundred, only thirteen were brave enough.

Erwin: I ask you, if you were ordered to die could you do it?

Cadet: We don't want to die, sir!

Erwin(smiles): No one ever does, so let us hope that you don't. Everyone who stayed, you are now one of us. Allow me to welcome you to the Scout Regiment. This is a genuine salute, soldiers. Together we give our hearts.

Erwin saluted all thirteen of the Cadets who chose to stay, and they saluted back to him. Most everyone there was nervous, scared, and everything in between.

Jean: I gave up my plans with the MPs for this? So stupid.

Sasha: This is scary, I just wanna go home.

Conny: Oh man, what the hell?

Beside Conny and Sasha, Krista was quietly whimpering in nervousness and fear.

Ymir: If you're gonna cry then don't stay.

Erwin remained on stage, planted firmly in his salute. He knew everything the Cadets were thinking, for he had experienced the very same emotions once upon a time.

Erwin: You've worked through your fear and proven yourselves courageous. Each one of you has my respect.

Shadis took the stage once Erwin was finished and addressed the cadets for what would likely be the final time.

Shadis: You are to report to the administration building to fill out paperwork approving your transfer to the Scouts. Once it's official, you are no longer Cadets, you will be soldiers. It has been an honor training each of you these last three years.

Shadis saluted the Cadets and they responded by doing it right back. Even though the Commandant had been extremely harsh, sometimes needlessly so, they respected him because it was because of his harsh treatment that they were able to adapt and endure.

(Y/n pov)

I stood on the stage along with the rest of the Levi squad out of sight. When the Commander turned back to us I stiffened up.

Levi: How was the turnout?

Erwin: Not well, but I've come to expect that lately. We can't force them to risk their lives. Whatever regiment they choose is up to them.

Y/n: They let fear control them. That's why the turnout wasn't great because they're cowards who joined up only to make their families proud.

Erwin: Well they can't all be as fearless as you, can they?

Y/n: No sir.

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