Chapter 2

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"I want my sister safe, and she will die if she is alone in Scotland with James, he will take her head." I pace the throne room, "is there nothing we can do?"

John takes a long breath, "your mother died too young, James should never have taken the throne this early."

"She died because our father did, when he died in battle it killed her from the inside.  We are all too young for this."

"You are not."  John smiles kindly, "you will be a wonderful queen, Lyanna, but you must believe in yourself."

"The Spanish Court expects me to be my mother, the second version of her."

"You are not Castellana, and you cannot try to be."

I nod, facing the throne she once sat upon not very long ago.  "I know that I am not my mother, but I am all her rage."  I go to the throne, slowly sitting down on it.  "I am declaring war on Scotland if Odette is not freed and sent back to English Court."

"I'll have a letter sent."

I nod, closing my eyes for a moment. "Thank you, John, for rushing here from England."

"Anything for you, I promised Lana the last time I saw her to take care of her children."

"And here I am willing to have my brother killed."

"He would kill you in a heartbeat, Lyanna."

Rosa joins us with a red cloak in hand.  "It's almost time for your coronation, Lyanna."

I nod, "I'm ready."  In my bedchamber I'm dressed in a deep red gown, jewels across the bodice and a necklace that once belonged to my mother.  All of Spanish Court is in the throne room waiting for me now.

"It's time."  Rosa whispers.

"I'm the Queen of Spain." I whisper the words, needing to say them aloud to fully grasp what is happening.

She smiles, fixing my dark hair.  "You will be a great queen, this was meant for you."

I nod, slowly walking down the halls of the castle, the sun peaking through as I enter the throne room, each person bowing as I pass.  The priest stands before me as I kneel, ready to become the Queen, a spot once filled by the greatness that my mother was.

"I pronounce you, Lyanna, eldest daughter of Queen Castellana and King Aaron, rightful heir to the Spanish throne, the Queen of all Spain." My mother's crown is placed slowly down on my head. "Long live the Queen."

"Long live the Queen!"

I stand slowly, turning around to face my court, John standing at the front with a large smile across his face. "Long live the Queen!" The weight of the crown is more than I ever expected but I don't falter, remembering what my mother told me not long after she became sick.

"The weight of being a queen is heavy, but a country is not a light responsibility." She had smiled, holding tighter to my hand. I hold onto my own hand now in front of me.

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