Chapter 21

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One Year Later

The Pope's mistress is a wonderful woman, truly, and I've come to a point in my life where I find an incredible amount of joy in befriending her. It keeps Rome on edge. 

"Lyanna."  The Countess Sofia plucks a flower from a bush in the gardens, spring finally here.  "Have you heard the latest rumor?  That the Pope had Paulo marry you so you could be his second mistress?"  She laughs, "what gossip these supposed devout people do."

"Let them talk, it entertains me." 

She smiles, "how are you, these days?" 

I know exactly what she's talking about, about the little baby I lost at seven months.  I let only Paulo see me for weeks.   "Better, writing to friends back in Scotland, it's helped."

"Your Highlander friend in Scotland?"

"I intend to sail back in a week, visit both courts."  I lower my voice.  "And see him."

"Don't worry I won't utter a word, I'm a Holy man's mistress and I also have a Cardinal in my bed, I have no room to say a word."

I laugh, grateful to have such a good friend.  "Sofia, I don't see why the women in this city hate you, you're the funniest person I've ever met."

She hooks her arm with mine, "they just don't appreciate real humor when they see it." 

Inside our home Paulo acknowledges my presence with a simple nod, looking over something.  "Hello, dear."  I sit beside him, "you've barely said a word to me."

"Rosa is packing your things for Scotland, I didn't know you were leaving."

"It's been a year, Paulo, letters don't make certain everything is in order."

"We need to be together, Lyanna, we need an heir and I can't leave Rome right now, not for a while."

I stare at him for a moment, trying to hold onto the love I have for him, even if that love is a friendship one I've learned.  "I told you I'm not ready."

"It's been months."  He finally looks at me.  "We need at least one heir, Lyanna."

"Fine."  I look away from him, "you can come to my bedchamber tonight, we'll try again."  We moved to separate bedrooms when we arrived in Spain from Scotland ten months ago and have stayed apart since. 

"Alright."  He looks at me with a longing look in his eyes before finally tearing his eyes away.  "I'll be there."

I nod, leaving quickly where I find Rosa still packing.  "Keep my good nightgown out, please, the pretty lace detailed one."

"What's the occasion?"  She folds it on my bed. 

"I told Paulo we can try again for an heir tonight."

"But Lyanna you've been scared to death about it, are you sure?"  She stops packing.

"No, no I'm not." 

To distract myself I read over the words from Galen in his last letter, comforting me, soon I'll be with him, I'll feel at home.

I can't wait for you to come back here, being regent has gone well, the people are happy and the court is still at ease and you said that's the most important things.  The moment you're back we're taking Amar for a ride in the hills outside of Edinburgh, then we can go up to the Highlands, my clan is anxious to meet you, like they did your mother when she came there. 
It's peaceful there, I know you're going to love it.  I miss you, Lyanna, I'm sure you're even prettier than the last I saw you. 
I hope I can ease you from the loss, I'm still sorry, I am.

"I love you," I whisper.

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