Chapter 25

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"Once this baby is born I will go back to Spain, the Countess Sofia has agreed to go with me as well as my head lady in waiting and I have the best nursemaids to care for the child

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"Once this baby is born I will go back to Spain, the Countess Sofia has agreed to go with me as well as my head lady in waiting and I have the best nursemaids to care for the child."


"Stop." I stare at my husband without blinking. "You can keep your mistress, and I'll go back to my own life. At a decent time I'll come back to Rome, and we can try for a second heir."

Paulo only nods, not moving as he looks at me. "I respect you, Lyanna."

"Do you?"

A sudden pain fills my womb, and then liquid down my thighs, pooling on the floor. "Lyanna!" I hold out my arm, "don't touch me, its only my water breaking."

I place a hand on my hip, walking slowly out of the room into the hallway. "Lyanna?" Sofia hurries over to me, "are you alright?"

"My water broke, help me to my chambers, please."

She nods, taking my arm and signaling a servant girl. "Get the midwife for the Empress, now."

She helps me into my room, quickly taking off my dress until I'm left in my gown. "Find Galen," I look up at the ceiling taking in a deep breath. "And if you see Paulo tell him I'll send a servant for him when the baby is born."

"I'll be right back."

I sit down on the bed, breathing heavy and a few minutes later she returns with the midwife and servants. "He's waiting in the hall, and sends his love," Sofia whispers, helping me onto my back and smiling.

"Thank you."

I take in a deep breath as the midwife pats my face with water.  "This baby is making its way rather quickly, Empress, it's time to start pushing."

"Now? I-I can't."

Sofia kneels down to keep eye contact with me.  "You are the strongest woman I know, you can do this, he's just outside believing in you as well."

The midwife smiles, "yes, the Emperor is outside, you have nothing to worry about."

I look at Sofia, nodding, Galen is the one out there waiting, the one who fathered this child, I can do this for him.  For us. 

I start pushing, screaming as a pain I've never felt comes over me.  "You're doing well, Lya."  Sofia squeezes my hand as I start pushing a second, third, fourth, and finally the fifth my child makes its way into the world.

The crying gives me peace, my baby is alright.  "What is it?"  Sofia wipes swear from my face.  "Is it alright?"

The midwife wraps the baby in a blanket, placing it in my arms.  "A healthy son."

I look down at his perfect face, smiling.  "Hello, I've been waiting so long to meet you."  I look over at Sofia as the midwife and servants leave the room.  "Have him come in quickly, please."

Seconds later Galen is beside me, touching his tiny hand.  "William," he whispers.  "Is that alright?"

"It's perfect."

He leaves before anyone besides Sofia can see him, Paulo comes to meet him and I tell him the name, swallowing back my pride of telling him this son is not his blood. 

"Is there anything you need?"  He asks.

"No, no I'm fine, thank you."

He leaves without another word, I stare at my son, blinking back tears.  "You're perfect, darling, just perfect."  I kiss his head.  "Perfect."

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