One of The Boys (Stan x Reader)

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^^^^^Dis be your brother^^^^^

(A/N: Sorry it took so long :3 Btw, in this story, Stendy never existed)

Requested by: CrowWolfLoverXx


"CARTMAN! STOP STEALING MY KILLS!!" you yell as you rage-quit the game. This was the fifth time that fatass have stolen your kill, but you'd had enough. "Come back to the game, (Y/N)." Your other friend, Stan says. "Not until fatso promises to stop stealing my kill!" you reply with a stubborn tone in your voice. "I'm not promising ANYTHING!" you hear Cartman's voice through TeamSpeak.

You are playing CoD online with your four best friends; Cartman, Kyle, Kenny and Stan. You have never had any female friends because of your tendency to be a bit tomboyish, but you got accepted by the boys so it wasn't all that bad.

"(Y/N), it's time for dinner!" You hear your older brother, Mark, shout from the kitchen.

You have lived with him since your parents died in a car crash five years ago. You still remember that day like it could've been yesterday; the phone ringing, your, then21 year old, brother picking up the phone, him trying to stay strong for you and not cry. There are days where you cry yourself to sleep, but Cartman, Kenny, Kyle and Stan have been there for you when you needed it the most.

"Guys, I have to go eat dinner. Maybe we can play tomorrow." You say through your mic. "Ok, bye!" You hear the guys say as you leave the chat.

You walk down the stairs to the kitchen. As you make your way to the kitchen, you think about how fun it was playing with the guys, especially Stan. You might have an itsy bitsy (mega gigantic) crush on Stan, but he just sees you as one of the boys. (ROLL CREDITS)

As you walk into the kitchen (A/N: Considering how many times I've said "the kitchen" in this part of the story, I might as well just name this One Shot "The Kitchen") you see your brother with his back to you. You take this opportunity to jump on his back. He screams while almost falling over. "God dammit, (Y/N)! You scared the crap out of me!" He yells at you while you jump down from his back only to fall on the floor from how much you're laughing. "Your expression!" You manage to choke out between your fits of laughter. "Yeah, yeah. Now go sit yourself by the table and eat your dinner." Mark says, a little huffy.

You get off the floor and sit down at the table. While you are eating your dinner, Stan slips into your mind. You start to blush while you're thinking about him and Mark notices. "Why are you blushing?" He says with a smug tone in his voice. You snap out of your thoughts. "I-I wasn't blushing!" You stutter while blushing even more. "Oooooh, have you gotten yourself a little boyfriend?" Mark says while wiggling his eyebrows. "SHUT UP!" You snap, while hiding a smile. Not because of what Mark said, but because the though of Stan being your boyfriend gets you all tingly inside. (Not in a perverted kind of way... Ya nasty) You finish up your food as fast as possible, not wanting any more comments from Mark. "I think I'm gonna go to sleep, it's kinda late." You say to him as you give him a hug and run upstairs. You put on your pajamas and get ready for bed. 'Tomorrow I'm gonna get to see Stan again. Of course it will be at that hellhole they call school, but still.' You think as you drift of to a peaceful slumber. (Oooooooo, fancy words)



'Fucking alarm clock' you think as you hit the snooze button and drag your duvet over your head.

(read in SpongeBob narrator voice)
~~five minutes later~~


"OKAY I'M UP!" You scream at your alarm clock. You grump your way (*the Game Grumps theme song begins to play* HEY, I'M GRUMP- I'M NOT SO GRUMP- AND WE ARE THE GAME GRUMPS!) to your closet because clothes. You decide to wear a black Blink-182 tank top, ripped, black skinny jeans and black Vans.

After you put your clothes on you do your normal morning routine and grump your way down to the kitchen. When you get down there, Mark is already sitting at the table, eating cereal. "Why do you look so grumpy today? Are you cosplaying as Arin or Danny at school today or something?" (Game Grumps reference) he says when he sees you. You just answer with a nonchalant grunt in his direction as you get yourself a bowl of cereal. As you eat you look at the clock. 'FUCK' you think. 'If I don't hurry, I'm not gonna catch the bus!' You eat the rest of your cereal as fast as you can and run out to the hallway where your school bag sits. You grab it, yell a quick goodbye to Mark and run out the door.

As you get to the bus stop you see the bus just pulling in. You leave a mental note to yourself to remind you to never hit the snooze button on the alarm clock EVER AGAIN!

You get on the bus and look for a place to sit. Then you hear a shout from the back of the bus. "HEY! (Y/N)! OVER HERE!" It's Stan. You make your way over to him and sit down next to him. "NO SHOUTING IN THE BUS!" Mrs. Crabtree screams from the front of the bus. "Sorry, Mrs. Crabtree." You and Stan say in unison.

Under the bus ride you and Stan are making silly faces at each other while laughing uncontrollably. Your grumpy start of the morning is long forgotten while you two are having fun.

When the bus arrives at South Park elementary, you and Stan get off and walk into the school. You're getting a weird vibe from Stan today. He's a lot quieter than he normally is. You decide to shake it off. 'Maybe he's just not feeling well.' You think as you and Stan walk to your first class.

*time skip 'till recess*

'Finally recess!' You think as you walk out of the school building with Cartman, Kenny, Kyle and Stan. Cartman and Kyle is having an argument, as always, while Kenny is trying to flirt with Some of the girls in our class, but they're not falling for it.

You look over at Stan who is already looking at you. When he sees that you are looking at him he immediately moves his gaze while blushing furiously. "Is something wrong, Stan?" You ask while putting a hand on his shoulder. He doesn't answer you, but takes a good grip on your hand and drags you behind the school. "What was that fo-" you begin to say, but you get cut off by Stan slamming his lips onto yours. Your eyes widen as you try to proceed what is happening. 'Stan is kissing me. Stan Marsh, my crush, is kissing me... THIS IS THE BEST DAY IF MY LIFE!!' You think. You slowly close your eyes and begin to kiss back.

After a while you both pull away for air. "I've wanted to do that for so long." Stan says while smiling at you. "(Y/N), I've had the biggest crush on you since 2nd grade. I've just been too scared to say anything. I though you just saw me as a friend." He continues. You just stand there, shocked. "Do you, maybe, wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks shyly. You look at him. Suddenly you throw yourself at him in a passionate kiss. (I know they're only in 4th grade, but it's South Park sooo) "I'm gonna assume that means yes." Stan says after the two of you pull away. "No, it means no!" You say with a sarcastic tone in your voice. He just chuckles at you while you two walk from the back of the school back to Cartman and Kyle, who are still arguing, and Kenny, who had given up on flirting with the girls and are just watching the other two. They stop what they're doing when they see you coming towards them with smiles on your faces. "Why are you two so happy?" Cartman asks. "Oh, no reason." You say while looking at Stan. "Oookay then..." Cartman says with a suspicious look on his face while walking over to Craig's gang. You see, out of the corner of your eye, Stan winking at Kyle. 'Did they plan this?' You think as the school bell rings, signaling that recess is over. You walk in with the others while secretly holding hands with Stan behind your backs. 'And I though he just saw me like One of The Boys.'


A/N: I'm so sorry it took so long!!! But here it is! A Stan X Reader One Shot! I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any requests, comment them and I'll make your fantasies come to life! If you do have a request you can also comment a scenario you would like the One Shot to contain.

The next One Shot that I'm gonna write is a Eric X Reader One Shot, so look forward to that!

That's all for now! I'll see you all in the next one! BUH-BYE!!!!!!!
~ Septiplier

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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