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ummmm so I started a re-write, and I've covered the first 4 chapters, my primary writing style currently is 3rd person past tense. But the more I change it to that the more it feels just plain wrong for this story. So if anyone who's already read it wants to go back and read the re-write chapters and see which version they liked better, 1st or 3rd person and give me some feedback.... 

anyways idk why I did this it was probably a bad idea bc ill lose motivation not even halfway through and then the rest of the story will suck but at least there will be a few good chapters ayyyy. also this is the first time ive touched this fic since like 6th or 7th grade. The only things I posed after that were saying how I'd given up on this hot mess of an absolute crack fic. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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