Chapter 11

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Thank you SO MUCH for 600 reads! I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a great day or night!

Loki P.O.V

I have been in my room since I came back after Clint and Tony fell out of the vent. Apparently Wanda, Vision, Piedro, and Bucky are here today, I heard them in the halls. I wish Perseus were here right now. I wonder how he's doing, I miss him. I wonder if he would like to try to learn magic? I hear a knock on my door,

"Loki! Brother you need to come out, you've been in here for 3 days! We're watching a movie," Thor boomed. 

"I'm coming," I sighed, I do rather enjoy movie night with the rest of the avengers though. We all would eat snacks, hang out on the couches, and watch movies till we fell asleep. I walked to my window and looked out at the full moon, "I wish you were here Perseus, I can't wait till you come back"

When I got to the living room, I found there wasn't much of any space left, Bucky and Steve were on one couch, Tony, Bruce, and Thor took another. Clint was complaining about Piedro sitting next to him from another, Nat was on the other side of Clint, Vision was hovering behind the couch, and Wanda was sitting on the reclining chair. Clint threw a pillow at my head and said,

"Here! Make yourself comfortable!"

"That was my pillow Clint!" Piedro whined.

"Then go get it," Clint said

"No!" Piedro huffed like a little kid, and stole a pillow from Clint. Someone threw me a blanket from the back of the couch and I curled up on the floor, as we began to watch something called Star Wars. 

After the first movie, everyone took a break to order pizza, and Piedro went to get it, being the fastest of all of us. He came back with the pizza, which was wet because it had started pouring, and ran back out. When he came back, he was carrying a body, it looked strangely familiar... then it hit me, "Perseus!" I exclaimed.

"Oh shit, what happened?" Tony asked

"Language!" Steve said and they ran over to Perseus, who now had his eyes open and was gasping for air. "Are you okay?" Steve asked him.

"Fine," he said, "I tried to vapor travel here, and I missed, I fell from the sky and almost went splat on the pavement." 

I felt a surge of fear for him, why was he back now? He wasn't supposed to be back till the weekend, did something happen? "Why are you back so soon?" I asked him, "Miss us already?"

"I missed you," he said, "Also, I made a big mistake, and I can't face my uncle again, not yet, maybe not ever." Then a flash of lightning illuminated the window and I saw an animal. Perseus ran to the door to open it, and a young Pegasus stumbled in, "I'm sorry Crowfeather, I didn't know you were following me, then a huge grey wolf appeared, I remembered how he said he had been made the god of wolves, this must be one of his subjects.

"Guys, the Pegasus is Crowfeather, please try not to spook him, he's pretty wild. The wolf is Rowan, he's my friend, and he's an outcast, don't worry, he won't hurt you unless I tell him to!" Perseus explained. Then he took something out of his duffel bag and handed it to me, "I made these for you." 

I took them and unwrapped the towel from around them, There were two knives with leather handles with gold accents and sheaths that were similar to them, I unsheathe the blades, the metal was black with gold swirls and designs. "Thank you Perseus! I love them!" I said going over to him and giving him a hug, I felt him flinch a bit, and asked him if he was okay.

"Yeah, I just got shot when I was helping take down a bank robbery, they also shot a hostage, and I killed the robbers, that was my huge mistake that I made," He said

"You got shot and you didn't think to tell me sooner!" I yelled, and he flinched back at my voice, "I'm sorry," I said in a more soothing tone, "I shouldn't have yelled at you, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I got the bullet out and used some nectar, ambrosia, and water on it, it's mostly healed," He replied.

"Okay, do you want to have movie night with the rest of us?" I asked 

"Yeah," He said, "Let's get this party started!" He smiled, but I could tell it was fake. I also noticed that he didn't eat anything. He sat next to me on the floor, With Rowan curled up half on his lap, half on the floor, and the Pegasus, Crowfeather had just let Perseus pet him before leaving. He snuggled up to my side, I smiled and wrapped my arm around his shoulders. 

Steve P.O.V

Bucky, Piedro, Wanda, and Vision got back from a mission today. I was glad to have a chance to catch up with Buck, I told him about Percy and how he was going to be an Avenger now. Bucky thought that he looked to weak and skinny, which is what I thought too, but I had seen his strength and heard how he had done on the other tests.

Then Percy got here, and went to talk to Loki, Then he brought in a Pegasus and a huge wolf, the Pegasus left and we started watching the movies again. I guess since Percy is here, we can do his medical exam tomorrow.

Percy P.O.V

We were having another break in between the movies and I decided to go out on the balcony and try to sort through my thoughts. I walked out and felt the cool air on my face, I remembered how my mom, Paul, and I would sit outside on our little porch of the apartment... I felt a flashback coming, I tried to fight it, but I couldn't 


I just got out of the infirmary at camp, I needed to go talk to mom and Paul, and I couldn't stay at camp, everywhere I go I see them, not really, but it feels like they should be there, and I can imagine them being there. I got to the apartment, and saw the door open and things knocked over. I uncapped Riptide and walked into the apartment.

"Mom? Paul? Hello?!" I walked to their bedroom and collapsed when I saw their lifeless bodies on the floor covered in blood. There was a message written in their blood on the wall, 'Now we're even -T' I knew it was Tartarus, on shaky legs I got up and cleaned up the bloody note, then walked to the phone and called the police, a woman answered,

"Hello this is the NYPD speaking."

"M-my- my parents were murdered," I said

"Ok sweetie, it will be okay, where do you live?" I gave her my address, and told her that I would be going to my cousins house, then, I fled.

I opened my eyes to see Loki, his face etched with conceren, his arms around me,

"Perseus, Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah, just a flashback," I said, "You're adorable right now," I said and quickly kissed him, he kissed me back and took my hand, helping me up.

"Let's go back to the movie," he said

"Okay," I agreed.

Yay! Chapter 11! I'm sorry it took so long, I was busy studying, (1,269n words!)

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