Chapter 3

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Percy P.O.V

"Oh schist," Percy thought. He had forgotten to tell Nico that he'd been kidnapped. But instead of the instant relief that seeing Nico usually brought, when he first saw him jump out of the shadows, he felt himself start to slip into another painful flashback.

Nico P.O.V.

The avengers raised their weapons at Nico, but he faced them calmly, yet with a suspicious edge. He was suspicious of most things these days, especially things that  may or may not be trying to hurt Percy. 

"Chill out, I'm just Percy's cousin," he told them, hands held loosely at his sides, a gesture of peace. The others still appeared wary of him, but he was no longer looking at him. He noticed Percy starting to get that far-off look in his eyes and sees him start to tremble. 

"Oh shit," he said softly under his breath, taking a few quick strides to where Percy was now trying to curl in on himself, shaking, with silent tears streaming down his face. Nico reached out gently, unsure if this was a flashback where touching Percy would make it better or worse. He placed a gentle hand on the demi-god's shoulder and Percy seemed to lean into it, so he took it as a sign that touch was appreciated and pulled him into a hug, wishing he could unburden him mind. 

"Sh," he whispered gently "nothings got you, you're here, safe. With me, it's fine Perce... it's okay. Wherever your mind is telling you that you are, you've got to believe it's not true. I know it sucks and I know it's hard, but you've got to bring yourself out of it."

He gently rubbed circles into Percy's back and whispered anything soothing he could think of, even some Italian phrases he remembered from his childhood. Slowly, Percy's breathing began to even out and the shaking stopped. 

"Hey, are you back?" He asked him as Percy pulled back and scrubbed his eyes with his sleeve before throwing on the mask again, as if nothing had just happened. 

"Yeah," he said, sounding pretty convincing, but Nico could still hear the slight tremble in his voice.

Steve P.O.V.

There was a blur that just ran right out of the shadows and attacked Percy. Although as it turns out it wasn't attacking, and it wasn't a blur, it was a kid with black hair, a black t-shirt with a skull on it, an aviator's jacket, black jeans, and a silver skull ring. A black sword hung from his belt and he had large bags under his eyes, like he hadn't slept in a week. He skinny, too skinny.

The team had been uneasy, drawing weapons on him at first, but after seeing him being able to help pull Percy out of whatever trauma he had just re-lived, they relaxed, realizing that this other teen, wherever he had come from was here to help and obviously brought a huge amount of comfort to Percy. 

"Thanks Nico, sorry about just disappearing, I was kinda kidnapped," Percy said, and Nico started to draw the sword a fierce, angered look on his face.  "Don't worry Nico, they're cool." He said, placing a hand on Nico's arm and pushing the boy back slightly. 

"How did you do that thing with the shadow, did you like create a portal or something," Steve asked him.

"Or something," he replied sassily, " I need to talk to Percy alone, is there a place where we can go?" he asked

"Oh yeah, Percy we need to show you your room," Tony said taking the boys to where Percy would be staying.

Percy P.O.V.

 Once Tony took him and Nico to his new room at the complex Nico shut the door and asked,

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