Chapter 8

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Percy P.O.V.

After he arrived back in his room, he took a quick glance at the clock, it was already late and he was tired. Yet another reason to curse Zeus, he had godly powers but wasn't much of a god in anything else, he couldn't die naturally, or fall ill, but he could still be wounded and die in battle. He still experienced fatigue and normal human things like that, but looking on the bright side, that was better right? He was less like the flawed gods he despised and more like a supercharged demigod on crack. He thought about this as he fell asleep, unburdened by dreams. 

When he woke the next morning, he grabbed his backpack and threw in a flashlight, a few extra celestial bronze weapons, a bottle of water, and some ambrosia and necter in case of an emergency. His mind vaguely wondered if he could still die from eating too much of the godly food even though he himself was technically a god. 

"Now. I've given you some time to get adjusted, but I want to talk to you now about something serious. Is that alright?" 

"That depends on the topic," Percy said, his guard jumping up a few notches. His senses were already out on high alert after his new appointed godhood even though he'd spent time in a part of Olympus where the laws of time bend and time itself stops. It had been made from the powers of three of the Greek gods who controlled time, Aion, god of eternal time, Kairos, god of opportunist time, and Chronos, god of linear time, not to be confused with the king of the Titans and also lord of time Chronos. Yeah, Greek mythology is weird like that. (rewrite a/n yeah I got this info from: bc I did research for this and apparently there's three Greek gods of time, one being named Chronos  and he's not the titan, according to the article, the correct name for the titan is actually Cronos so don't come at me) He hadn't been away from this life for more than an hour,  but he'd spent months there, outside of time, perfecting his powers, getting a feel for them, and learning to hide them. He came back into time, back into his world changed, while everything else remained the same. 

"Well, I just wanted to get to know some of what happened to you all this time. Like, for example, where did you get all those scars?" Oliver asked him. Shit. He didn't want to get into this now. 

"That's not really your business now is it?" He asked, hoping he would be able to worm his way out of answering this. 

"Percy you're my nephew and I'm taking care of you right now, I think it's my business to know who hurt you." Oliver replied, firm in his words, but not too firm as to force Percy to say anything. 

"Well I'm sure you've already searched into my past, and probably got a copy of my file somewhere, so you know I've been through some shit. Like, let's say when I was kidnapped and got into a gunfight with said kidnapper at age 12," Percy said, remembering how the media had portrayed his quest and that fight with Aries. 

"If it bothers you then we can wait to talk about it," Oliver suggested, an edge of caution in his voice, like he was afraid Percy was just a piece of fragile glass waiting to shatter. 

"Yeah, that would be preferable." He shot back, standing up to go and shouldering the bag he'd brought down. "I'm going to head out for a while if that's all right." 

"Yeah, just watch your back and your wallet, some of the places in this city aren't very safe."

Percy left the house at a brisk jog and got to town quickly. He made his way into the Glades and found the same abandoned building as before. He scaled the fence, freezing the barbed wire over again, and entered the building. He pulled out a flashlight and undid the chains on the steel door descending into blackness. He drew Riptide as a precaution and descended down the stairs lit by the glow of the flashlight. 

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