Part 55

362 7 2

Allison's POV

We all waited for another 10 minutes until we heard them. The unicorns.

One thing I miss about Beauxbatons are the unicorns. Every morning before quidditch practice I went down to the stables and fed them, cleaned them out, nursed them back to health.

I treated them as if they were my own, any yet they never seemed to like me that much. Well except Espoir. Espoir translates to Hope.

I named her. When I was in first year one of the unicorns had given birth to a baby girl, I went down every single day to look after the baby and the mother to make sure they were eating and drinking.

After a couple weeks of doing this Madam Maxine caught me and asked me if I wanted to name the baby, which I happily agreed to. So I named her Espoir.

I was asked why I named her that and my reason was "even though there's bad in the world, there will always be Espoir"

To say she was impressed that a first year could think of something like that would be an understatement. She made me Espoir's key person, that means I would always go down every single day to check on her and create a bond.

When I had to leave it was hard to, I mean I was leaving my favourite unicorn ever.

When Beauxbatons land I go over to the unicorns and see Espoir. When she sees me she gets so excited.

I give her a hug and she places her head on my back bringing me into her chest. I pull back and look at her.

She is much taller, and more majestic then ever.

I hear the cabin door open and Madam Maxine get out first, I walk over to her and give her a small curtsy "Bonjour Madam Maxine"

She looks at me before bringing me into a bone crushing hug, when we pull away she starts looking at me to make sure I'm eating and all that.

Madam Maxine always treated me like her own daughter, that was until I burnt down the school and even then she was upset to see me leave.

She then meets my eyes "Mon Dieu, Allison, combien tu m'as manqué"

"My, Allison, How much I've missed you"

I look back at her my vision turning blurry, "tu m'as manqué maman"

"I've missed you to Mum"

When I call her mum again a tear forms in her eye. She never did have a child, but when I came to her school she took me under her wing and looked after me.

I often spent my time in her office, just talking about whatever, catching up on homework or even talking about Alex.

She knew all the gossip in the school because of me and that's how our relationship was. Simple and loving.

She brings me into another Bon crushing hug but this time I hugged her back "Beauxbâtons ne se sentait pas bien sans toi"

"Beauxbatons hasn't felt like itself without you"

I mumble "tu m'as vraiment manqué"

"I really missed you"

She pulls me in again before letting me go, we both turn to see all of the beauxbaton students, Durmstrang students and hogwarts students watching us.

She walks over to Dumbledore leaving me to introduce myself to the students. Then I catch her, "Anelia?"

She turns and looks at me, her expression changes from confused to happy immediately before she jumps at me and pushes us both onto the floor. "I missed you too" I say between laughs

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