Chapter 9

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Major Carter walked towards Dr. Carter's quarters. She had remembered that Dr. Carter requested pictures. As she walked in, her heart sank. She can see the photos lying on the lamp, but it just wasn't registering. She slowly walked towards the lamp, and realized it.

"Dear God" escaped her lips.

She sat on the bed, and couldn't believe it. A wedding photo and a sonogram photo greeted her eyes. She couldn't believe her eyes. This baby had her DNA and O'Neill's DNA running through it, no matter what reality it was. She couldn't move. She just sat there. So many emotions and questions were filling her. She knew she had to keep it together. She slowly stood, took the pictures and tucked them into her jacket, and walked out.

O'Neill sat at Dr. Carter's side. Watching the monitors as both heartbeats weakened. She had lost all coloring, and was growing weaker by the second. Major Carter started to walk into the infirmary, and saw him sitting by her side. His concern for her, truly shocked her.

"Maybe he did feel something for me" she thought.

But quickly buried them, when O'Neill sensed her presence.


"Sir" they addressed each other quickly.

"how she doing?" Carter asked with genuine concern.

"Not good" O'Neill stated, not realizing he was wearing his emotions on his sleeve.

"They'll answer, they will" Major Carter stated trying to give a sense of reassurance. Major Carter didn't know what to do. She remembered him coming out of her room, several days ago. But her question was did he see the photos? They both sat by her side. No words were exchanged, but no words needed to be. O'Neill was summoned, so he had to leave.

"let me know if anything changes, ok?" He stated.

"of course" Major Carter stated. As he walked out of the infirmary her heart sank. She could sense his turmoil. Here was this woman from another reality that his other was married, and fathered a child he will never know. And now she was in his reality. Was this the life he always wanted but knew he couldn't have, knowing their working relationship, and regulations.

"Ma-jor Carter" Dr. Carter had awoken, and was trying to speak.

"Hey" Major Carter quickly grabbed her hand.

"You're are you feeling?" she asked, relieved to see her conscious.

" tired..." Dr. Carter barely mumbled.

She suddenly grasped her belly, and almost shouted...

"baby...oh God..the baby". Major Carter, calmed her down and let her know

"it's's ok"...She laid her back down, and tried to calm her.

"The baby's o.k." Major Carter tried to calm Dr. Carter, knowing she was really lying to her.

"Pictures...did you get the pictures?" Dr. Carter asked, slowly losing any strength she had left. "" Major Carter quickly stated, as she went into to her pocket and pulled out the pictures.

She placed them in her hand, and Dr. Carter stared at them, while running a finger through both pictures.

"Thank you" she stated to Major Carter. And again was unconscious. Major Carter just sat there not knowing what to do. She alerted Dr. Frasier but only for her to tell her, she was again unconscious. After a short time, Major Carter removed the pictures from Dr. Carter's hands, and placed it by her bed. Time was running out and they had not heard from Asgard. O'Neill came back to the infirmary, seeing the pictures by Dr. Carter's bed. He then knew that Major Carter was more involved than he thought she was. As they both sat there in silence, they knew that they both had questions.

"They'll answer, sir, they will. They have too" Major Carter said, as she held the hand of a now unconscious Dr. Carter.

"But will it be to l-" before O'Neill could finish his sentence...a bright light appeared, and O'Neill, Major Carter, and Dr. Carter disappeared from the infirmary. They were suddenly on a Asgaurd ship.

"O'Neill?" a voice came from behind them. It was Thor. O'Neill knew that this was their only chance. Could the Asgard save them in time? For time was short.

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