Chapter 18

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O'Neill had returned from a long off-world mission. He did his duties: infirmary, debriefing and reports but there was one he had put off for too long. He walked through SGC. He had typed his resignation letter at Sam's before he left...but that was two weeks ago. He continued to walk, smacking the envelope against his hands. He knew once he gave Hammond this letter there was no turning back. He finally reached his office. With a deep breath he knocked on the door.

"Come in" Hammond responded.

"Colonel, what can I do for you?" Hammond asked.

"General, I just wanted to say, it's been an honor and a privilege to serve under your command at the SGC for the past several years. But circumstances being as they are, I feel it's time for me to retire" O'Neill stated, as he placed the letter on Hammonds desk.

"I knew this was coming down the pike" Hammond stated. "Take a seat, Jack"

"Listen, I've already discussed this with the President, and you and Major Carter have broken no rules. After all you both have done for the SGC, I am sure we can work something out" Hammond said.

"General, Carter, and I have given this much thought. For me, I see this as a second chance. When Charlie died I thought I could never love again. But when this happened, I realized that, I could. Major Carter and I have always cared for each other, more than we should, but we never acted on them (no one had to know about their gentle kisses and caresses) , knowing it was against regulations. But I can't deny what I feel for her anymore, even more now that she is carrying a baby that has my DNA running through it. I don't care what alternate reality it's from. It's still part of me. I love her General more than I have ever cared to admit. I want the chance to love them both without rules or regulations in my way. General, we both know Dr. Carter is slipping away. Major Carter is it. Whether we like it or not, she is about to be a mother, and I am about to be a father. That alone is going to change SG1 forever. I think we both deserve a little happiness after the many times we've saved the world from destruction, and I'm not about to pass it up. After she gives birth, my resignation will be final. Till then I will work to the best of my abilities to defend this earth." O'Neill stated. Sam and him had rehearsed what he would say for hours. And he remembered it all.

Hammond was speechless. He knew that O'Neill was speaking from his heart. He had to honor the man's wishes. He was the one that took him out of retirement. He owed him that much.

"Jack, I understand. I hate to lose you. You have not only been a great soldier but a friend, a good friend" Hammond said.

"Hey, I'm not moving to another planet, I'll be around for sure. Gotta show the son, the place you know" O'Neill said with a proud look on his face. A son, yup, a son. He still couldn't believe that just a couple of weeks he would be holding a little boy, his little boy, and their little boy.

"Understood, Colonel" Hammond said. He stood from his desk, and put his hand out for O'Neill. They shook hands, smiled, and O'Neill left, feeling as accomplished as ever.

He continued to walk through SGC, when he finally reached the infirmary. Dr. Carter's status had not change. She was still in a deep coma. He sat next to her bed. He spoke to her, and tried to fill her in best he could about the baby. Major Carter had not returned to base that often. Dr. Frasier felt it was best for her to work from home for the remainder of her pregnancy. O'Neill held Dr. Carters, hand; he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, and began to head to the showers to get changed and ready to head home. He hadn't seen Major Carter in weeks, and was eager to feel her in his arms again. As he showered, he said to himself "Ahh, yes...absence makes the heart grow founder"...and he smiled ...anxious to get home.

Sam was home getting for Jack who had just returned from a long off-world mission. She was excited to see him. She had grown. She was now 32 weeks, and the baby was kicking hard as ever. She was cooking a nice dinner, the table was set with candles and soft music was playing in the background. She missed him so. The last couple of weeks have been somewhat lonely. She can definitely say that she lived the cliché "absence makes the heart grow fonder". Oh, how she knew it.

She stirred the stew that had been cooking on the stove. Everything was set. All she needed was the man of her dreams to walk through that door. As she walked towards the living room, to dim the lights, she suddenly felt a sharp pain. She dropped the candles that were in her hand, and grabbed her abdomen. She leaned herself against the wall for support, hoping the pain would subside. It was sharp so she knew it wasn't the baby kicking. The pain slowly subsided and she eased her way on to the couch.

"Maybe, I need to rest a little" she thought to herself. So she propped up her legs, on to the ottoman, and leaned back into the couch. The stew was slowly cooking and she had placed the burner on low, so she knew it wasn't going to burn. She took so deep breathes, and tried to relax. She grabbed a near-by magazine and started flicking through the pages.

About a half hour had passed with no reoccurrences so, she decided to stand and continue to finish. She was concerned, but she didn't want to over react. Jack would be home very soon, so she wanted everything to be perfect. She knelt down to pick up the candles she had dropped only to suddenly feel that sharp pain again. This time it was much stronger. Now she was frightened. She tried to get up, but the pain only got worse. So she leaned her back against the wall, and just started to breathe through the pain. It again slowly subsided. She didn't know what to do. She decided to start timing the pains. She started to think that this could possibly be contractions. 10 minutes had passed and another pain. Now she was worrying. She made it to the phone and tried to dial the SGC, when she suddenly felt something running down her leg, she looked hesitantly, and saw that it was blood. Now she was petrified. She grabbed the phone, and began to dial. Before she finished she heard a door shut. Could it be? She tried to walk towards the door to see if it was Jack arriving home, but the pain was getting stronger. She fell to her knees in pain.

Jack had just pulled up to the driveway. Roses in hand, he walked towards the door, and suddenly had a face of horror. He saw Sam, laying on the floor, through the glass of the front door. He didn't even wait to get the keys in the keyhole. He kicked it open.

"Sam" he yelled.

" h-urts so b-ad. I can''s to early...Jack" Sam almost screamed it. She was in agony. She was only 32 weeks. Complications could still occur and she knew that. Jack looked towards her legs, and saw the blood. He knew something was severely wrong. He took his shirt off and placed it between her legs, to try to stop the bleeding.

"I got you Sam, I got you" O'Neill stated. As he swooped her in his arms.

"Doc...I got Sam, she's bleeding, and she's in a lot of pain...I'm headed back...get that infirmary ready" Jack said into the phone as he placed Sam in his truck.

He was driving as fast as he could.

"Ahhhhhhh..." Sam screamed...the pain was getting worse... "Jack" is all she could say.

"I know Sam, I know...just hang on...hang on..."

"Jack...God...Jack...I can't" she screamed.

"Major Samantha Carter" Jack exclaimed. He switched to military mode.

"You are going to hang are not going to die on me neither of you. Do you hear me? And that's an order" O'Neill stated, trying to snap her into military mode.

"Y-eee-sss S-iir" Carter said, and even through the pain, she gave him a small smile.

O'Neill hated yelling at her but knew he had to snap her into military mode, just till they get her to the SGC. He refused to accept the fact that he could possibly lose the women he loved so much, and the son that he grew to love already.

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