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The next day was Saturday meaning it's Stefan's birthday! Zoey was excited when she grabbed his present and headed out the door. She vamp speed to the Salvatore's and knocked on the door repeatedly.

"I hope you know it's only 9AM!" The voice of Stefan sounded on the other side.

He opened the door as he was confused at first but then recognized the female.

"ZOEY!" He shouted pulling her into a bone crushing hug having her drop his present as she laughed.

"STEFAN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She said as he releases her causing her to pick up the present and shove it in his arms.

"Zo, I can't believe it your here! You said you weren't coming,"

"Well I lied and thought I'd make it up by showing up on your birthday,"

"Thank you this is the greatest gift I could ever have, how long are you staying for?"

"Honestly not long I've kind of been here since the day you called about Damon but I told him to keep it from you as a surprise,"

"Does that mean you guys are...."

"No, not at all we are talking though, can I come in?"

"Of course you can," he says happy smile on his face.

She walked inside the boarding house and she couldn't help but smile the familiar memories of her time here catching up to her. Every kiss, every talk, every laugh, every dance, every stupid arguments that ended in rough make up sex. Zoey couldn't help but have them flash to her head.

"Zo, Zoey," she heard Stef call causing her to turn to him as she blinked back into reality.

"Huh? Sorry Stef I spaced out,"

He smiled.

"You were thinking about Damon weren't you?"

"Speak of the devil where is he?" She asks noticing his absence on his brother's birthday.

"He went to run some errands should be back soon,"

"Stefan I've known Damon since the day I met him he's never ran any errands,"

He sighed giving into her.

"Alright he's..... Feeding off of humans,"

"WHAT?!" She shouted. "AND YOU JUST LET HIM?!"

"I've tried stopping him Zoey but he doesn't listen to anyone but you,"

"Jesus Stef how am I supposed to enjoy your birthday if I'm over here worried about Damon?"

"I think you should bring him home.... We can celebrate my birthday afterwards," he said with a small smile. "it'll be nice for the three of us to enjoy this day together,"

"Awww Stefan that's sweet of you, yeah I can track him down it's not hard to find him, I'll be back okay?" He asks as he nodded his head.

"I'll be here," he says before Zoey vamp speed out the door.

After awhile she did end up finding Damon, he was out in the woods draining some poor girl he had in his arms.

"SALVATORE!" She shouted angry at him causing him to freeze in his spot.

He reluctantly let go of the barley alive girl as she fought to keep her eyes open.


"Don't what the hell are you doing to the poor girl?! Why are you killing the humans?!" She asked stomping closer to her as Damon frowned.

"I didn't kill her she's still alive,"

"Barley Damon I thought you said you'd change?"

"Feeding from the vain is just easier for me to do Zoey besides you can't judge me you've had your fair of humans too," he said going back to dive into the girls neck, but Zoey vamp speeded to them and grabbed the girl from him and into her arms.

She dilated her eyes causing the girl to be in a trance.

"Feed from me and then go home and never remember this day," she said causing the girl to nod her head.

She bit into her wrist and have the girl drank it, once she was restored she walked away never to look back.

"That was a good meal you just threw away,"

"Damon this has to stop, I can't be with you if your going to keep killing humans,"

"We're Vampires Zoey we're supposed to- wait what did you say?" He asked referring to her earlier sentence.

"That I can't be with you?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

"YES THAT ONE! Does that mean that..... That your giving me another chance?"

"It means that I'm willing to work with you if you start changing your ways, if you can't then you can forget it,"

"No I will I'll change I promise Zo,"

"Can you start by not taking a humans life?"

"I don't know Zo," he said wincing. "That's hard to do..... Ever since our divorce I went back to feeding them,"

"Damon," she said taking a step closer to him.

She kept walking until she was in front of his face forehead rested on his as she searched his eyes.

"I believe in you Damon, whatever you did in the past is the past we need to focus on the present and future, I know you can stop yourself from killing humans, I know you can because I have faith," she tells him placing both hands on his cheek as his hands landed on top of hers and he closed his eyes.

"Alright, I'll do it, I'll change for you Zoey,"

"Thank you Damon it's what I can ask for,"

"Can I have permission to kiss you?" He asks causing her to let go of him as she stepped away.

"We should go back to Stefan, after all it's his birthday,"

"Uhhh.... Right," he said before reluctantly following her back to the boarding house knowing she's avoiding the question that he asked.

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