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A door knock was heard the next morning as Zoey groaned awake. She looked at the time as it was only 8:30AM on a Friday.

She got up as the knocking became louder.

"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT IM COMING!" She shouted vamp speeding to the door.

She opened it with her hair all messy with wearing her jumpsuit pajamas. She knitted her eyebrows together as she saw Damon on the other side of the door.

"Damon what are you doing here?"

"I need to know something, it dawned on me when you were asking about Stefan yesterday, have you been in contact with him all these years after our divorce?"

"Yes, I've been talking to him I never stopped once we were through,"

"You must really like Stefan to be kept in contact with him all these years but not me,"

"He wasn't the one who destroyed my heart," she defended herself causing Damon to look down.

"I know..... And I'm sorry I should've stuck by you instead of divorcing you,"

"You never gave me a reason why Damon, did you not love me anymore?"

"No! That wasn't it in fact I never stopped loving you,"

"Then why did you divorce me? Ruin everything we had?" She asks tears pricked in her eyes.

"Because..... Because I felt like you deserved better than me, it was the hardest decision I ever made. I didn't deserve you Zoey, I wasn't good for you,"

"So, you destroyed our relationship because you thought you weren't good enough for me? Damon I loved you so much it didn't matter if you were good for me or not, I loved you for who you are not what you are, you made me believe that all these years it was me, I did something wrong to make you stop loving me, I was faithful to you never looked at anyone else but you,"

"I know, Zo and I regretted this decision everyday since,"

"Why are you here Damon?"

"I broke up with her," he mumbles looking down. "The girl I was dating I broke up with her today,"

"Alright Damon that's good because I don't want you hurting her anymore,"

"I know you always brought out the good in me,"

Zoey sighed as she stepped away from the door.

"Would you like to come in?"

"Really?" He asks eyes instantly lighting up.

Zoey giggled at his excitement causing Damon to smile at hearing how cute it sounded to him.

He gradually stepped inside the hotel as Damon took a look around, there was one king bed, a TV, night stand, bathroom and a big chair on the corner.

"Wow," he breathed out impressed. "are you paying for this or compelling them?" He asked smirking as Zoey crossed her arms.

"Now Damon we all know I don't like spending money, of course I compelled them," she says taking a seat on the bed as Damon followed after her and sat down next to her.

It was a comfortable silence between the two the only sound having the TV playing Buffy the vampire slayer. Damon chuckled.

"After all these years you still watch this show?" He asks causing her to pout.

"Uhhh hell yeah it's a great show,"

"Sometimes I don't understand you," he smiles shaking his head.

"Better than watching Twilight," she said causing him to bust out laughing.

"Anything is better than that dumbass movie," he says causing her to giggle.

"You know Damon, I thought you said you'd wait until I called you?" She asks raising an eyebrow at him.

"I know but I couldn't wait longer, I had to ask that question it was eating away at me," he says while scratching the back of his head.

"Does Stefan know I'm here?"

"Haven't had the chance to tell him, I think I would get jealous seeing you two hang out together I wanted some time alone with you first,"

"Tomorrow is his birthday I'll surprise him then, I told him I wasn't coming when he called me about you,"

"Oh, he must have told you everything I've done,"

"He did which is how I found out you were dating someone, it makes me wonder if you were dating other girls all these years after our divorce,"

"I was, but it was only to fill the void in my chest, I was never the same after you Zoey," he admits as she looked down clutching the bed sheets in her fists.

She was fighting back tears as Damon watched her take an unneeded breath.

"Did they? Fill the void you were having?"

"No, not even close," he said placing a hand on top of her balled up fists but she snatched her hand back as Damon had a flash of hurt in his eyes.

"I think you should leave Damon, please,'

"I'll leave only if you agree for a drink with me like old times,"

"You can't be asking me out now can you? Nothing's changed Damon I'm here for Stefan,"

"Then why don't I believe you?" He asks leaning closer to her.

Zoey shook her head standing up and opening the door as she pointed with her finger.

"Out!" She demands as he shook his head.

"Let me buy you that drink and I'll happily leave,"


"Then I'll be staying until you say yes," he said crossing his legs as Zoey rolled her eyes.

She just wants him gone already.

"Ughh fine! I'll agree okay can you leave now?" She says causing Damon to smile as he stood up and vamp speed to the door.

"See you soon my lady," he said kissing her cheek before he left causing her to slam the door behind her.

Votes are appreciated

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