Chapter 34

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| Crystal |

August had left into the kitchen to make his niece, Maria some food, giving me time to ponder on what my situation was now.

Aubrey had taken me to the drug store, I met August and collapsed and now I'm at his house. What I wanna know is where the fuck am I and where the hell did Aubrey go. Maybe Audrey's abusive ass came looking for me causing him and August to have a big ass fight in the store while I was passed out. I don't know, all I know is, I have to get in contact with Chris soon or I'm never making it back home.

"You okay?" August asked, coming back into the living room where I laid, with a small bowl of steaming soup in his hand. I paused my thinking to glance up at him, stifling a smile.

"I'm good, I guess" I muttered as I eyed the bowl of soup.

"That's good. I made you some diner, I think you need to eat something after all that happened. You lost a lot of energy" August offered. He's nice and all but, he's still a stranger. I can't be excepting food from strangers.

"No I'm fine, I'm really not all that hungry" I lied. And right on cue, my stomach decided to growl loud as fuck. I looked down at it and so did August. When we locked eyes, her busted out laughing and sat next to me on the coach where I was previously laying.

"Here take it" he said through laughs. "I promise I didn't poison it or nothing" I laughed and took the bowl from his hands.

I picked up the spoon and focused my attention on the tv which was showing some cartoon for Maria. I could see out the corner of my eye that August was staring at me as I took small sips from the soup.

"Damn this is good" I said as I practically moaned to myself taking small sips, forgetting all about my manners. I hadn't had food in almost 10 hours so anything edible would've been hella good to me right now.

"Thanks. It's my moms old recipe" answered August as I nodded. Soon a silence came over us; it wasn't awkward. Just quiet as I continued to slurp and watch what was happening on the tv.

"So what was a pretty girl like yourself doing all alone at night?" August asked as he turned to look at me. I blushed and looked down trying to hide my red face. I looked back just in time to catch him licking his plump pink lips.

"Pretty? Boy, I'm sick and look a mess" I muttered as I tried hard to diminish my red cheeks. August chuckled as he stared at me.

"So your boyfriend couldn't drop you off or get the medicine for you. If I was him, I wouldn't have even let you out the house" explained August as I bit my lip, flashes of Chris' face entering my mind. I looked down at the almost empty bowl on my lap as I swirl the remains with the spoon. I missed Chris so much. If only there was a way I could contact him.

"Someone did drop me- it wasn't my boyfriend but ..." I sighed. Why did Aubrey's stalking ass have to mess with me.

"Oh so you do got a boyfriend?" August asked, raising his eyebrow at me in the process as I blushed once again. I bit my lip trying to hid the smile that was trying to play on my lips.

"Yeah, I do" I sighed with content as I begin to reminisce.

"Of course you do" he muttered as he looked back at the tv but this time, he was blushing, but it was sort of out of embarrassment.

"Thanks for the food" I said leaning forward and placing the empty bowl on the coffee table. August simply nodded at me keeping his eyes fixed on what was playing on the tv.

He looked like he was interested in the cartoon so I rested my back on the couch not wanting to disturb him.

"August, I'm finished!" Maria's high pitched voice chimed as she came running into the living room showing August her empty bowl. August ripped his eyes from the tv to look at Maria's bowl and he smiled at her.

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