Chapter 2

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Today I get to show off my new found style. Yesterday's shopping was hectic for me, it's actually true that you can shop till you drop.

"See you look amazing" Heather said standing back to admire what she had done to my face.

I had some eyeliner, fake lashes and red lipstick.

"You think this isn't too much" I complained looking at my reflexion once more. "I look like Abel for Christ sake!"

"That better be a complement" she said as I giggled.

"All the boys are going to be looking your way today" Heather said as she brought out some clip in extensions.

"What the hell are those for?" I asked as she started brushing out my now straight hair. She had it straightened the night before because she knew this would take long.

"They make your hair longer and thicker" Abel said showing me her red clip ins.

"Well I guess they would be nice, just as long as they don't fall out during the day" I said as Heather and Abel laughed. I was being dead serious though.

"They would probably come out if you got into a fight, but that's highly impossible" Heather said as I mean mugged her.

"Alright let's get these in, we have 20 minutes till class starts" Heather said.

"20 minutes!" I shrieked. "I'm usually in class by then, I'm going to miss everything" I screamed, over exaggerating a bit.

"Oh please Crystal, you're not expected to be in class till the bell rings. Stop being such a teachers pet" Abel said.

"Yeah and anyways if you wanna be a bad girl you have to come in late" I looked at them and sighed as I got my hair done.

I don't wanna be a bad girl, I just don't wanna be that goody two shoes kid, with no boy friend and inexperienced like I was in high school.

After pulling and clipping hair on my head, Heather was finally done.

"Tah dah!" Heather chimed. I looked at my reflexion. I loved the hair and my outfit, but I think I could go without the makeup. It made me look a little scary if you ask me.

Just as I stood up there was a knock on the door. I glanced over at Heather and she smiled.

"That must be Michael. I asked him to walk me to class today" Heather said, smiling wide.

"Was Chris there?" I asked trying to make it sound as casual as possible.

"No, why?" she questioned raising her manicured eyebrow at me. I shook my head giving her a smug look. The last thing I want is her thinking I have a crush on him. Ew no.

I opened the door and Michael stood alone in the doorway. I said my goodbyes to them since they all had English, and I had biology first thing.

I began walking the long hallway passing by several different dorm rooms until I was outside going to the second building.

On the way a kid with a skateboard skated pass me causing me to trip up and drop my papers in the mud.

"Shit" I cursed at myself as I scrambled to pick up my papers. I rolled my eyes because they all got dirty.

When I got into my biology class everyone was already seated and staring at me, but not in the way I would've liked.

I cleared my throat walking to the front next to Chris. He stared at me in shock watching my every move. Class began to start and I started taking notes.

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