Pharynx's favor

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After his transformation, Spike and his friends spent time with Thorax Pharynx and Ocellus.
Apple Bloom:"I can't believe this." (Giggles)
Ocellus:"I know."
Rumble:"This is very irritating."
Sweetie Belle:"Oh don't be a party pooper Rumble."
Rumble:"Look who's talking."
Sweetie Belle:"You guessed it right. Me."
Rumble:"Uh huh."
Thunderlane:"Come on Rumble. Where's your sense of humor?"
Spike:"Yeah colt."
Ocellus:"Some ling might be crashing the party."
Scootaloo:"Yeah what he said."
Thunderlane:"Well you can't always be party crasher like all the time little brother." Their stomachs begin to growl in hunger.
Sweetie Belle:"Oopsie. I guess we're hungry."
Scootaloo:"Yeah I'll say."
Pharynx:"Oh yeah. That reminds me. I'll teach you how we changelings feed.
Apple bloom:"So are you sure about this Pharynx?"
Pharynx:"It's captain Pharynx. Just watch and learn." Pharynx brought a pony in a cocoon a while ago. So there he is opening his mouth and he is draining on his love to show them how changelings feed. He licking his lips from his hunger got satisfied.
Apple bloom:"Hey not too shabby captain Pharynx."
Pharynx:"(Burps) Mmm. So much love in this pony. I haven't like that in ages."
Rumble:"Bleh! Okay normally that's gross in front of a pony, but now that we're changelings I had no other choice. So yeah I need to think twice about this. Otherwise I'll starve."
Pharynx:"Now it's your turn newbies. He bought more ponies in cocoons.
Spike:"I'll go first gang." So Spike is walking towards one of the ponies in a cocoon and draining her love.
Spike:"Hey neat! I can't believe I just learned how to feed like a changeling now!" The others are starting to learn as well.
Sweetie Belle:"So delicious."
Ocellus:"I couldn't eat another bite."
Thorax:(Burps) "Oh! Excuse me." (Laughs nervously)
Pharynx:"Okay then now that I taught you how we feed, now here's the part that you need to learn from changelings."
Rumble:"What's that?"
Pharynx:"I'm gonna show how we changelings morphing into something or someone."
Scootaloo:"Sounds like a challenge."
Sweetie Belle:"So like morphing into a another creature?"
Pharynx:"Exactly. Here just watch and learn." He uses his transformation magic to transform into his giant insect form.
Spike:"So neat!" Pharynx is turning back into his normal self.
Pharynx:"That's right. Now you seen this?" He also transformed into Rainbow Dash.
Scootaloo:"Hey that's Rainbow Dash!"
Pharynx as Rainbow Dash:"Not too bad huh?"
Scootaloo:"Yeah captain Pharynx." He transformed back into his normal self.
Pharynx:"Now you try."
Apple bloom:"Okay. I'll see what I can do." She uses her transformation magic to transform into a Manticore.
Ocellus:"No way!!!"
Thorax:"Aaahh!!!" Thorax have turned into a turtle and hides himself.
Apple bloom as a Manticore:"Hey look at me! I'm a Manticore!"
Sweetie Belle:"I think she got it!"
Scootaloo:"I wonder what I can morph into?" She morphed into a Cockatrice.
Scootaloo as a Cockatrice:"Hey neat!" Sweetie Belle:"Watch me! Watch me!" She's transforming into a Gargoyle. Spike is transforming into a Hydra. Rumble:"My turn!" He transformed into a dragon. And finally Thunderlane turns into a Pukwudgie.
Pharynx:"There you go. Now you're a pro." Also, Pharynx realizes the bond of friendship that was born between Thorax and Spike. He's walking to Thorax. Thorax shuddered when Pharynx was right behind him.
Thorax:"Oh Pharynx! You startled me."
Pharynx:"Sorry about that. Little brother, I realize that you and Spike are friends now, but don't worry, I won't say anything to queen Chrysalis."
Thorax:"Thank you so much big brother, I appreciate it."
Spike:"Captain Pharynx, where are Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack? I haven't seen them yet."
Pharynx:"They are still in the incubation chamber in their cocoons. If you want, I can ask queen Chrysalis if they can join our squadron." He's walking towards to her and bow to queen Chrysalis.
Queen Chrysalis:"Pharynx, what a surprise. Do you need anything?"
Pharynx:"Yes your Highness. I'm here to ask you a favor..."

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