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Thorax, Pharynx, Ocellus, Twilight, Spike, and the others set up camp for the training before settling down in the campfire.

“Okay, every Changelings,” Applejack said. “Let’s set up camp here, so that way we might have time for tomorrow training here.”

“Setting camp is lame,” Pharynx snarls. “Besides, it’s a waste of time. We Changelings do not set up camp but only battle with fierce attack.” As he showed them his transformation into a giant bug, only scaring Ocellus when she hid under a tent.

“Uh, Pharynx?” He asked. “Perhaps we should consider training later. I know fighting is most important but some of us thought if we could have enough sleep for exercise.”

“Blech,” he said with disgust. “I’m not gonna sleep just because we camp here. If that’s what you want, then sleep like a weak Changelings like a pony.”

Then Rainbow Dash steps up. “Hey!” She exclaimed. “We can stay up training! And if you want training, then I can give you a challenge. Me!”

Before both of them battle, Twilight pauses them for a moment. “Hold on, perhaps we hold it for now. You two can train somewhere closer where we don’t damage around when we finish setting up.”

They looked at each other and agreed with her idea. After setting up campsites, the others settle down as Rainbow Dash and Pharynx ready for their training.

“If you two are gonna fight, just do it.” Rarity exclaimed.

“We’re getting to that,” said Rainbow Dash as she stretched.

As they are ready, Scootaloo cheers for her. “Go, Rainbow Dash!”

And then, Rainbow Dash and Pharynx charge at each other and begin fighting with every transformation they come up with.

As the fight continued, Spike and Scootaloo were close together as their claws/hooves touched each other.

“Oh, sorry.” Both of them said, feeling awkward.

Before things go closer, Pharynx and Rainbow Dash were still fighting and it seems they both have something in common.

“Impressive,” he said, astonished. “You quite got the skill I ever seen before.”

“I've been pretty much training,” she replied. “Since I was a pony. But being a Changelings really makes me awesome.”

She loves how he represents her as awesome. As they continue on, Twilight notices Thorax is gone. So she went to go look for him and found him on the hill staring at the stars.

“Thorax,” she called, getting his attention. “Why are you here?”

“Well, you see.” He commented. “It’s been strange since the Canterlot invasion. Queen Chrysalis has turned everyponies into Changelings, and now, things have become more weird. But not gonna ask you, do you enjoy being a Changelings?”

Twilight never thought about that as she doesn’t know how it feels being a Changelings. “It’s different,” she replied. “It’s like I am something else than being a pony.”

“I know you don’t wanna talk about it,” he commented. “It’s not like you wanted to become this. And it’s not what you and your friends wouldn’t want.”

“No, no,” Twilights said. “I know you feel how sorry that has happened to us. It wasn’t your fault because you never wanted to hurt everypony. Chrysalis, I mean, Queen Chrysalis really wanted to hurt us so that she can devour love out of ponykind. But you.” She placed her hooves on his. “You are different. You are something then them.”

Thorax looks at her, seeing she appreciates who he is. And that’s when they glare at each other for a minute and become closer, sensing love they never felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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