Chapter One

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Authors Note: Hi! Anya and Alfred are ocs at this point. My version of Alfred rlly doesn't look, act, talk or do anything like aph america. so going into this, assume that these are two characters you've never seen before. The only thing that really ties them to hetalia is their names lol (and im this close to renaming alfred to franky) if you dont like it then literally just click away i do not give a FUCK

Everything scared her. Literally, everything.

People like her with such abilities are typically enrolled by the government. They can't let the public know about her abilities, because if the public knew about her abilities, then so would other countries. They were already iffy considering that she was Russian, but they'd had her since she was 11- they know that her faith is in the US government.

The problem was, she couldn't go out by herself. Not because she physically couldn't, but because she was high risk. They were tired of covering up the various people she'd accidentally killed. She couldn't control her abilities. Any time she got spooked, she'd freeze someone's heart, instantly killing them. It happened a lot. Some guy steps too close to her? She screams bloody murder and he gets an icy palm to the chest and an early ticket to heaven. Someone bumps into her? She cries for help and freezes their bloodstream.

It's not entirely her fault, though. She was taught from a young age that the world was cruel and dangerous, then once she was enlisted as an agent at the ripe age of 11, that belief was only fed into- however this time, she was taught that the government would protect her. And they did.

But Anya was going to be 20 soon and they hadn't been able to do anything with her. She couldn't control her powers and she was too scared to go on a mission. They tried to get other ice manipulators to teach her how to use her powers, but the problem wasn't her powers. It was her. They came to the conclusion that she needed to overcome her fears.

That's where an infamous marksman and bounty hunter from the state of Texas came into the picture. Alfred Franklin Jones, a 28 year old man living in a ranch he built on a huge lot of land. He hated being governed. He hated paying taxes to a government that really doesn't do shit for him. He herds his own cattle, kills his own food, grows his own crops... He really doesn't need the government. He does it all on his own.

But the government needs him. That's why he's tax exempt and gets to do his own thing so long as it doesn't interfere with their operations. Why do they need him? Well, he's the best damn hitman in the northern hemisphere. No one is guaranteed a perfect shot- unless your name is AFJ. His senses are so finely tuned that he could land a shot to the head on someone half a mile away blindfolded. They know this because he's done it. Many times. Any time they tried to get eyes on him and sent a spy to his property, they'd get a phone call the next morning in which he explains how he found one of their guys on his land.

It's not like he asks for much. He just wants the government to leave him alone and let him do his own thing. In exchange, he takes down political figures, threats to national security, and anyone else the government needs exterminated. The only catch is that he gets to choose whether he takes the job or not. He's a pain in their ass when it comes to that. If he doesn't want to do something, he just won't. And they can't do anything about it because of how valuable he is.

There's a difference that can be noted between Alfred and Anya- besides the obvious "one-is-a-superhuman-and-the-other-is-not"- Alfred has impeccable control over his tools, whether they be guns, his hands, or any other weaponry. He never wastes a bullet and manages to put in the perfect amount of effort for every job, working smarter instead of harder. Anya doesn't have any control over her abilities. Hence why so many people have ended up dead simply because they were in proximity of her.

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