How You Meet

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Flash (Barry Allen)

You were working at S.T.A.R labs looking down at a folder when you bumped into Barry.

"Oh sorry," he looked down at your name tag. "(Y/N). You new?"

"Yeah, Barry Allen." You say.

"Why don't I great you to a welcoming lunch?" He asks. You smile.

"Sure. It's a date."

Captain America (Steve Rogers)

You were on a morning jog when you stopped for a water break. You turned around away from the water fountain when you ran into a strong figure.

"Woah there!" He laughs. "If you were a superhero your name should be Speedy."

"Yeah. And yours should be The Muscle." He looked at you funny. "Sorry that, uh, that came out wrong. I'm (Y/N)." You shook his hand.

"I'm Rogers, Steve Rogers. Wanna walk?" He stood next to you and you guys walked.

Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)

You and Felicity have been friends since forever. You guys still talk but haven't seen each other in a long time so you decided to go visit and surprise her.

"(Y/N)! It's so great to see you! I want to introduce you to someone first." She led you to a tall man. "(Y/N), this is Oliver. Oliver Queen. I'm sorry but I have work tonight. Oliver could keep you company." She leaves you with Oliver and walks away.

"Would you like to go to dinner or something?" He asks. You look at him and smile.

Iron man (Tony Stark)

Stark industries are looking for a new temporary worker to fill in for Pepper.

"Hello Mr. Stark. I'm your new temporary worker while Ms. Pepper is away." You say looking down at a folder full of stuff that Tony had you work on.

"Hello (Y/N). You can just call me Tony." He says.

"OK Tony. Is there anything you need?" He looks and smiles at you.

"I need to take you out for lunch is what I need."

"OK. Your treat." You close the folder, look up at him, turn around and walk away. When you look back, he's still smirking at you.

Roy Harper

You were walking in the glades when some guys came up and started getting closer while touching your hair and jacket saying things. You push them away with them still following you. All of a sudden one of the guys takes your purse and starts running.

"HEY! THAT'S MY BAG!" You say chasing after him. You see him stop and a curb. Another guy walked out and chased him back towards where you were. He grabs the man who stole your purse's arm and made him give it back to you.

"That's a good boy. Now get the hell out of here before anything else happens." He says and the guys start running away.

"Thanks but you didn't need to do that. I could have gotten him." You sag trying to sound brave. He laughs. "I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N) by the way." You put out your hand for him to shake. He looks at your eyes and down to your hand. He looks back at your eyes before shaking your hand.

"I'm Roy Harper. And it sure looked like you could get him. What are you doing in this part anyway?"

"Just visiting some family." He looked at you weirdly.

"Well. If you need anything. You know where to find me." He told you before running off. You watch him, amazed about how brave and handsome he was. You called a cab back home and made plans to go back the next day.

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