Barry Allen Imagine for @Skittles1713

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This imagine is dedicated to @Skittles1713

I had just got a job as a forensic scientist at STAR Labs. I walked into the huge building hugging my papers and folders tight against my body. My backpack was swinging side to side on my back. I kept pulling my dress down trying not to let the papers fly away. As I was walking, I wasn't focusing on where I was going.

"Ouch."He complained. I looked up.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I told him. I dropped my papers on the nearest table. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. You just stepped on my foot." He laughed. "You must be Kelcey." I rubbed my arm and avoided making eye contact.

"Yup. That's me. You must be Barry." I shook his hand. He smiled. "It's nice to meet you. I guess you'll be showing me around and helping me out. At least that's what Dr. Wells told me."

"Yup. Mr. Barry Allen at your service." He bowed just like a prince in the beginning of a dance. He started walking and motioned for me to follow. I grabbed the papers and did what he motioned. He showed me around and introduced me to Caitlin and Cisco. He also showed how things worked and how to use them and what to use them for.

After a long day of work, I walked home. It's not that far of a walk... As I was walking, I felt my backpack slip off. I turned around to pick it off the floor when I realized I didn't hear it drop. I look forward and saw someone running off with it. 

I hugged the papers tighter wishing I put them in my backpack. I ran off after the man and followed him into a dark alley. I dropped the papers and carefully tried to get back my bag. He pulled out a knife and I stopped in shock. 

He lunged forward and a cold point was entered into my side. I grabbed on to the wound and felt a wet substance. It was dark, but not dark enough when I felt a wave of air next to me and saw the Flash. I've only seen pictures and, obviously, never stood next to him before. He was a familiar height though. Around 6'2, just like Barry. I saw a red lightning blob and i suddenly started to see black dots. I fell down and was caught by a pair of arms.


I awoke on a comfy white chair in a room at STAR Labs all by myself. I moved the blankets off of me and winced in pain from my side. I lifted my shirt and saw a huge band-aid on it.

"Woah woah woah. Lay back down there missy." Barry walked in with two coffees in his hands. I sat back on the bed and he set the cups on the table. He walked over to me and pushed my shoulders down along with me. He lifted my shirt up to the top of the cut. He got a sewing kit out and took off my band-aid, showing a huge red cut. He put a needle in me to numb the part he was going to stitch close. After a few minutes of silence, he finally broke it.

"You know, that was a close one out there. If I wasn't there to save you, you would be dead by now. If you did die, I don't know what I would do with life anymore." His eyes widened after hearing what he said. "I mean, you know, cause you just started and I thought we could be good friends and stuff." I laughed at him. His face turned red.

"Don't worry Barry. I like you too." I confessed. he cut the thread of the stitches.

"Whaaaaat? I never said I liked you. What are you talking about?" He teased. I playfully rolled my eyes. He leaned forward and I did the same too. When our lips finally touched, it felt like a million fireworks set off. I swung my legs over the side so I was sitting in front of him. I loved teh feeling as our lips moved in sync.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands that were on the side of the table slowly moved up to my body. They moved upwards when the feeling in my side came back.

"Ouch." I cried letting out of our kiss. 

"Sorry." He winced. I smiled and shook my head.

"It's fine." We laughed. 

"That's good. Oh, and Kelcey, would you like to out sometime? I should ask this before I ask if you want to be my girlfriend you know." I  laughed and nodded.

"Yes Barry Allen. I would love to go on a date with you." I kissed him one more time and laid back on the bed.


I really hope you liked this. I had fun writing it. :P 

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