Chapter 7-the date.

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As branch was preparing dinner, he thought about what he was going to say when he PROPOSED to poppy. He then realized he didn't have the ring! It must have fell out of his pocket. He looked all over, then in his bag he found it and sighed of relif . He fineshed preparing dinner and then waited for poppy.

30 minutes later***

Poppy had just arrived and they started eating dinner, and talking about what had happened in their lives when they were apart, and remembering good times. They finished eating and sat down for a movie. They had picked a romance movie. They finished the movie and branch decided it was the right time to pop the question. Poppy had gone to the bathroom, so he set up lights and candles, and then poppy came out of the bathroom. Branch finished just in time. "Oh my gosh branch! What is this!" Poppy said blushing. "Poppy" branch said as he got down on one knee, "you were the best thing that has ever happened to me. You taught me how to love, and be happy, and well, cook, but most of all, you were there when I needed you, poppy, will you marry me?" Poppy started to cry of joy. "Of corse I'll marry you branchifer!" Branch slid the pink flowerd ring onto her finger, and they kissed. Didn't let go, all cares went away, it was their moment. And they wanted to hold on forever. Poppy broke free from his embrace and branch wiped the tears from her eyes. " we've got a wedding to plan!" Said poppy happily. "Wait branch one more thing, let's open this capsule" "ah yes, the capsule that was in my face" said branch funnily. There was a note inside. It read, : hello poppy, and maybe branch. I'm coming for you, and I want the thing branch loves most. If I don't get it, bad bad BAD things will happen. Signed Cr124


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