20- I'm sorry.

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Thank you guys so much for 1.1k reads!! I promise I will do other works. I have some written just not published.💖❤️💙💖

Poppy's POV**



It's now 8am. I'm going to cancel the wedding and then tell branch. Because I know He'll convince me not to. I just have to make the announcement. I walked out to the middle of troll village and gathers everyone around. Attention all trolls. We are rescheduling the wedding because we had to take care of some last minute things. I am disappointed to but, it's ok because I know what me and him are goin through is going to be ok. And we will have the wedding soon. I was fiddling with my ring. Somthing didn't feel right. I saw the other trolls faces starting to look worried. My heart was racing. Somthing definitely didn't feel right. I looked up at everybody. I-I'm sorry I have to go. I ran to the master pod above all tell village where me and branch lived. I called him right away. No answer. Instead his voicemail. I called over and over, and he finally picked up. Branch! Hello are you okay!? He said;Y-yes poppy I'm fine but I know who has my brothers. I have them right now, and I'm on my way back. I just need to be quick. Well who has them? Branch!? B-Branch! He hung up. Tears sprung to my eyes. I think I turned gray a little. I just wanted branch to be here. Then  Viva came through the door. Poppy, I heard you yelling, everyone is worried! What's wrong!? Why are you gray? Viva came and hugged me but I was still a very pale shade of pink. I-I think branch is in trouble. But he told me to stay here. And I need to listen to him. I don't want to loose him. Whoever took his brothers sounds dangerous. He is on his way back, but he said he needed to be quick. So I don't know I just got really worried. Viva was knelt down beside me. I liked her comfort but it wasn't the same. My hug time bracelet went off. She hugged me so tight. Then branch called. I ran to the phone. Branch! My color got a little brighter. P-poppy, I'm almost there. Velvet took my brothers, and I got her taken care of. But she doesn't know where troll village is so I need to hurry before she finds us. The phone hung up.

Cliff hanger sorry!!


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