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Time skip o a few months from the proposal****

Ok poppy, we need to star planning this wedding.he said as poppy walked uni the room. One step ahead of you branch! Poppy had layer out paper, pencils, markers, and of course, glitter .

Seriously, you're gonna scrapbook the wedding plans?? Branch rolled his eyes. Yes, and if you have a problem with it.... GO MARRY SOMEONE ELSE!! Poppy yelled playfully. Branch rolled his eyes by couldn't keep a smile off his face. So, I was thinking we could have my favorite band play, and we could invite all the tribes! Ooh and we should have a chocolate fountain, Or a glitter drop ooh what about- branch Intterupted poppy, ok, ok, slow down! Do you know how much that's gonna cost!

Well about that..... Poppy was intterupted again as all of branches brothers bursted through the door. Poppy and branch jumped and looked at them angirly. Um, you could have knocked! Branch said annoyed. Sorry, sorry, but once we heard the food news we had to come and see you guys!! John Dory said excitedly. Just asking, whitch good news are you talking about? Poppy asked them, just making sure that it was the news she was thinking about too, because she knows branches brothers (especially John Dory) have a bit of a reputation for messing things up. That out little bro was a big boy the other day! Congrats you guys! John Dory said playfully , but branch wasn't having it. Ok but if you guys want an invite, you will need to leave so we can Actually plan the wedding. Branch said gesturing them to the door. Poppy also wanted them to leave, but she wanted to be nice, so she didn't say anything. After the brothers left, they started planning. Ok poppy, before you go crazy, I'm limiting the guests to 85. Branch said calmly and looked straight into poppy's eyes so he knew she was listening. Ok, branch. Poppy said annoyed.

**few hours later**


Ok, I think that's a rap for today! Poppy exclaimed as she was looking into branches glass blue beautiful orbs. You have such beautiful eyes. Poppy said quietly as she was blushing a little. Branch kissed her said and pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. Poppy giggled and blushed even harder. It was now 10:30 pm so both the trolls were tired. Ready for bed? Brancg asked as poppy yawned yes, but how bout a sleepover, just me and you, to celebrate creek being  out of our lives. Forever.  Ok sounds good. Branch said. 

They set up sleeping bags in the living room and layed down. Hey branch! Wanna build a fort? Just like when we were kids? Poppy said holding his hand knowing he would probably say no, but hoping he would say yes if she looked into his eyes long enough. Well, um. Uhg ok branch said rolling his eyes playfully. YES!!! Poppy squealed. 

They got to building the fort. It was pretty big once they were done. They got inside. Branch had a good idea of connecting it to the TV screen. They watched "Pitch Perfect" within the first 30 minutes of the movie poppy fell asleep on branch. Branch stroked her hair as he fell asleep too.

 Sorry my chapters are so short. I can't write long ones like other ppl lol. But I hope u liked this chapter!! Trust me, keep reading. It gets real good😏 

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