A risky plan

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I hope you've been enjoying the book so far, ... and I'll warn you, i love leaving cliffhangers so keep an eye out for them. (Keke). Also,check out my other stories which I'll publish soon. Enjoy! Peace!

         "So,what do you think?" Em asked Malvaron, who tapped his chin in thought. "It's risky,and we could alter the timeline but yes,we could do it." He replied, glancing at them. Zarya hung back, leaning in the wall,lost in thought. In truth, she didn't know what to think of her plan. The story her mother had told one night had popped into her brain. She had no idea what to think of it and hadn't bothered to think about it...till now.
       "Zarya, time for bed!" A woman's voice echoed through the two storey house. A small girl at the age of 6 ran up the stairs,clad in blue pyjamas, wearing her unusual purple hair in a loose ponytail. Mrs. Moonwolf picked up her daughter as she crossed the threshold. "How are you still so full of energy, I wonder?" She said jokingly, as she tucked the girl under the covers. Zarya sat up and  looked up to her mother with twinkling eyes. "Mom,can you read me a bedtime story?" She asked, clasping her tiny hands on her mother's forearm. Emilie Moonwolf ( Don't mind her name ) chuckled. "Of course,dear." She sat down on  the edge of the bed. "This is the story of our brave king who set out to protect his realm from an oncoming enemy....."
       Her mother's voice faded into memory as Zarya was brought back to the present. "The astomancers won't like this. But this just might work." Malvaron declared, leafing through a spellbook. " What about the golden light thingy?" Piper asked, already bouncing up and down in excitement. "I don't know, it's the only time and story of where i heard such a thing." The young mage replied,sheepishly.
     "Alright girls, it's magic hour." Together, the four teens transformed into the second generation Mysticons. "I found it." Malvaron exclaimed. "Great, let's go!" Piper yelled, sending pixie blast in every direction, one hitting Zarya on the forehead. Piper giggled as Zarya shot a glare in her direction.
     "I have to warn you, the spell isn't really accurate. We may end up in a different timing so don't expect it to be easy." Said Malvaron, glancing up at Arkayna. "When was it ever easy for us?" Zarya muttered, earning a stifled laugh from Arkayna. Malvaron didn't seem to hear. He raised his hands and orange aura sparkled around them as he muttered inaudible words. Suddenly, there was a flash of light....
     The mysticons opened their eyes as the light faded. Behind them, Malvaron looked around. "The palace looks a bit different." He commented. The group looked around,curiously. All of a sudden, Zarya tensed. Arkayna turned toward her. "What-" "Someone's coming." Zarya warned , as a tall shadow appeared down at the end of the hallway, coming towards them slowly....
Keke. Imma put a cliffhanger. Stay tuned for the next one. Peace.

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