A confusing conversation

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I can't sleep so I thought I'll publish one more...keke.
   The Mysticons and Malvaron raced to hide behind two pillars as a silohuette appeared on the hallway. Soon, footfalls reached their ears. They peeked out cautiously and gasped.
    King Zane Goodfey stalked across the hall muttering to himself. He had dark bluish purple hair and light violet eyes and seem to twinkle and dimmer as he muttered. He was tall and regal looking in a midnight blue attire and black jeans. A golden crown sparkled on his head. "No way, that's....my dad?" Arkayna stared in disbelief. "Why are you so suprised?" Zarya hissed in a  teasing voice. "I thought he was your father." Zarya yelped when Arkayna smacked her head. "Guys, stop fighting." Em grabbed hold of each of their arms before they could continue.
    Zane had stopped at the doorway to the throne room, looking around in shock. He stood over the threshold, listening to the slightest noise. The Mysticons and Malvaron held their breath. Zane shrugged and walked in, closing the huge doors behind him.
     Malvaron sighed and cautiously walked into the hall, looking out for guards. "Ok, coast is clear." He whispered, looking over his shoulder into the shadows, only to realise they were gone. "Wha-" "Try to keep up." A voice came from behind him and he jumped.
"Ow, stop smacking my head."
"You asked for it."
"How? All I did was point out the obvious."
"Ow, seriously."
        As Zarya rubbed her head, Arkayna turned towards the door. She peeked into the throne room. "Ok, let's go. Dad's not here right now." The Mysticons followed their leader inside. "I'll stand guard outside." Said Malvaron. Arkayna nodded and slowly the door closed. "Where'd he go?" Zarya asked looking around. "There's isn't much of a difference as our time you know. He's probably at the balcony. " Arkayna replied,pointing at another door. "I knew that." Arkayna rolled her eyes and slowly the heroes snuck toward the door. Muttering could be heard from the other side.
      Stealthily, they opened the door and snuck out. "It's the queen." Said piper, who had been unusually quiet till now. Her eyes glowed as she watched the king and queen, who seemed to be having a conversation. "Wonder what they're talking about." Zarya mumbled and piper nodded. Arkayna and Em exchanged glances, looking at the queen, smiling sadly. Zarya and Piper noticed, and the two orphan heroes went silent. "Whatever they are talking about, they seem really worried." They could a few sentences every now and then but it didn't seem to make any sense to them.
"Are you sure he would do such a thing... it just doesn't seem likely...."
"Why would i lie to you......... he would do it sooner or later..... and I'm not there to help...
"I'm sure it will be fine..... they'll be safe..... maybe we'll meet again....someday.."
    Zane smiled at his wife." Someday." He repeated. He took off his crown and messed his hair. "Wanna spoiler on our future?" He asked, grinning devilishly. Queen Goodfey smacked his arm lightly, smiling. "Now i know where you're get it from." Zarya muttered.
      Em facepalmed, hiding a small smile and Piper stifled a laugh as Arkayna smacked the rebel again. Zarya winced and grumbled. "Jeez...."
      The king and queen didn't seem to notice anyone spying on them. Queen Goodfey looked at Zane and rolled her eyes. "I swear if you give me a child with your messy purple hair i will kill you." Zane laughed. "How about a girl with red hair and my beautiful eyes.?" He asked, waggling his eyebrows. Queen Goodfey rolled her teal eyes again. "I would still kill you." Zane gasped, in mock shock. "Why?" "Because, you gave our child your eyes and possibly your personality." "You're wrong there. She has yours." Zarya said under her breath.
And another smack in her head.
      Arkayna smiled bemusedly as Zarya rubbed her head in pain. 'How did  dad know I was gonna have red hair and violet eyes? A lucky guess? Or is it something else?' She frowned.
       "What about twins? One who has my hair and your eyes and another who has your  hair and my eyes? Both girls?" He said with a sneaky smile. The queen groaned. "I would kill you and ressurect you just to kill you again." "Gosh, you're obsessed." The Queen shrugged,smiling. "One child is enough but twins? You won't live to see another day if I get twins."
      Suddenly, an alarm bell rang through the palace. Zane growled and unsheathed his sword. "I knew something was up in the hall." He ran and Queen Goodfey followed him. The mysticons looked at each other in horror.
And the end of another chapter with an suspenseful cliffhanger (i think). What do you think will happen next? Let me know in the comments. Peace!

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