Her past

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     Captain Kaos loomed over her menacingly as she struggled to get up. Blood splattered down onto the wood planks. The open wounds felt as if they were burning, inflicting pain into her soft flesh. Zarya tasted blood in her mouth. She coughed as something warm trickled down her forehead and nose drenching her already bloodstained,ripped sleeveless hoodie.
     "Care to repeat what you said?" Kaos's taunting squawk reached her injured ears as she staggered onto her bruised feet. "I - I said that - that I won't obey you no matter what you do to me!" Zarya replied bravely. Kaos growled and grasped the 12 year old by her neck. She coughed again and her little fingers closed round his arm as she tried weakly to pry his hands of her small neck. "You just won't give up would you?" Barked kaos and suddenly spread his metallic wings. He burst out the cabin and flew up into the sky. It was raining, and thunder boomed as lightning crackled ominously. Zarya flinched,terrified as she looked down to see the stormy sea below them.
       The pirate Captain grinned ruthlessly and dropped her. In flash, Zarya found herself swallowed by the ocean, being pulled deeper into its depths. She flung her assaulted arms and legs wildly, trying to reach the surface, her lungs already screaming for air. She managed to break through and take a gulp of air before a wave broke over her and the angry ocean washed over her once more. She flailed about looking for surface, feeling as if the water is pressing into her on all sides...slowly suffocating her.....
          A hand came out of nowhere and grasped the scruff of her neck and pulled her out. A second later, she was sprawled on the deck of Kaos's pirate ship,coughing and spluttering. Kaos's manical laughter rang in her ears. Zarya struggled to get up on her feet but only succeeded in smashing her head on the wood planks as she fell down again.
           Captain Kaos grabbed Zarya by her arm and twisted it,hearing a crack from her shoulder. Zarya screamed and tears streamed down from her eyes. The parrot pirate dragged her back into the cabin and chained her up once more. "Let that broken shoulder be a reminder for your disobedience. And if you disobey me again,i won't be so merciful." He warned and slammed the door,leaving the 12 year old to tend to her injuries on her own.... A familiar feeling of something plunging into her wrist......and blood trickled down from her chained,broken arm......
            Another tear fell down from her eyes........

I know I said won't be able to publish anymore chapters but I needed a stress reliever and writing helps a lot. Hope you are all doing well. Peace.

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