Chapter 3

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"Over and Over Again" by Nathan Sykes ft Ariana Grande

"A traditional Korean tale about a brother and a sister. The mother was on her way back home after a long day of selling rice cakes in the nearest village. She carried the leftover rice cakes she was unable to sell. Her and her two children lived far away for the village, and she travel through the forest to get to the village."

" She came upon the first hill; she met a tiger. He was hungry and in exchange for her life, he asked for a rice cake. He left but would return on the next hill wanting more. She would gradually give the tiger more until she eventually ran out. The tiger, still hungry, ate the mother."

"He was still in greed and dressed up as the mother and went to the home that the children resided in. The tiger had called out to the children posing to be their mother. The son, Haesik, noticed the tone in mother's voice and stopped Dalsun, the sister from answering the door. The tiger's paw was still covered in rice cake dust and stuck its claw within the cracks of the door. The kids then believed it to be their mother and opened the door."

"They screamed as the tiger chased them throughout the house and out the door. They climbed up a tree and Dalsun prayed that if her and her brother hearts were pure to be sent a strong enough rope to climb to the sky and if not, the rope would be rotten. A rope had dropped, and they were able to climb all the way to the top. The tiger still wanting to eat them ask for a rope. A rope fell and he climb and climb. But then, the rope began to break away. The tiger fell back to the earth. The brother and sister became the sun and the moon. In Korean, 'hae' means sun and 'dal' means moon."

"That tiger needed to be humbled."

"Haha, yeah."

"What happened to the tiger, though?"

"He died."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

He turns to look at me, "for what?"

"I been rude and when I actually take the time to listen to you, I realize I actually like being with you."

"Everyone has their moments. I don't know what you're going through, but I'll always be here. Always come find me."


He's singing, "A Million Dreams" from the "Greatest Showman". His voice so peaceful and comforting. He sings with such a passion in his voice. He sings as if he understands and is surmised in the song. 

"Each one there to make you smile on a rainy day." That line. . . it caught my attention.

"Why this song?" I asked.

"So many questions."

"Well, I'm trying to get to know you."

"Well, I feel connected to that song. It reminds me if my brother and it's nice to sing. Almost as if you can do anything."

"I wish that was true."

"Why is it not?"

"That's your first question." He stops with a shocked look on his face. "Getting your dream is harder than just speaking about. You need to have a dream in the first place."

"You just got to keep going and not stop."

"Easier said than done." He walks over to me and sits beside me. I turn my head to him. He rests his head on my shoulder. Something in me raises my hand to his face. He doesn't move. I whisper in his ear, 

"Dreaming is the beginning of getting what you want." -Annete White


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