
513 8 18

11:37 PM

- Test Tube's POV -

I'm right here, at the balcony. The kids are asleep, Fan's asleep as well, and I'm just here. Sitting with the telescope, watching the beautiful view and observing the stars that are visible. And after all, I'm a big astronomy geek.

"I don't know why, but sometimes, the sky at night would leave beautiful stars scattered all over the view." I said quietly.

While observing the beautiful stars, there came the moon. I remember from 2014, Fan and I had seen the beautiful waning crescent together. I let out a soft smile because history can repeat itself.

Personally, moon phases are such admiring views in the nighttime.

"If only Fan was here, it would be better..."

- Fan's POV -

I slowly opened my eyes after just waking up. I checked around to look at my surroundings and then saw Test Tube, with a telescope standing beside her, sitting in the balcony. My mind processed why she was there. And now, I know why. So, I thought of going towards her as I picked up my crutches. But I thought of something... Is it necessary to go join her party? I guess so... Oh, what the heck. I'll go towards her anyway.

"The sky is beautiful, isn't it?" I asked.

"Mhm yes, It sure is beautiful." Test Tube replied, not even noticing that I'm awake. Until she looked at me.

"Ah!" She screamed in shock, jumping back from her chair. "Oh, uhm... Fan! I uh... I didn't notice that you were awake!" She says as she sits back on her chair.

I let out a giggle and said "Sorry for scaring you, Test Tube..." I said, sitting down beside her.

"Fan, do you remember when we saw that beautiful moon phase several years ago?" She asked me, holding the telescope.

"Yeah, I remember that." I answered back.

Test Tube made me take a look on the view with her telescope.

I'm very amazed to fully view everything that the both of us saw.

"I like the view."

"I'm glad you enjoy it, Fan." She said, smiling at me. "You know, I thought it would be nice if we spent our time together right here in this cold night."

"I thought that it would be a good idea as well!"

"That's nice."

I grabbed Test Tube with me so we can have a nice happy evening bonding.

The night sky was beautiful, there were crickets chirping, and the best part is that when Test Tube and I make contact, I feel so warm with her.

"Okay, Fan. Let's go to bed now. It's 11:56 PM."

"Alrighty then! Let's get to bed, then!"

We would go back to the bedroom as Test Tube closes the balcony door shut.

I laid in bed with her to have a peaceful sleep together. "Good night, Test Tube... Sweet dreams."

"Good night, Fan. I love you..."

"I love you too, sweetheart..."

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