Chapter 16

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Izuku stood close to Tomura as he awaited Dabi and Toga's return. They'd gone out a while ago as the blue-headed male had told them to go collect more recruits for his plan. Whatever that was, Izuku was curious to find out.

Midoriya leaned on Tomura's side, seeking warmth. The bar had gotten quite cold in the last month as the seasons changed. He thought back to how warm Dabi had been when he had hugged him yesterday. How he longed for that warmth now. But, for now, he'd have to make do with Shigaraki and Kurogiri instead.


Shigaraki looked down, "Hm?"

"What's the plan you keep talking about?" Izuku asked, half-asleep. He'd only woken up twenty minutes ago, yet the sleepiness hadn't worn off.

The older male ruffled his hair, "I'll tell you later, sleepyhead. You know you can go back to bed, right?" Izuku nodded, "They won't be back for a while."

"I.. want to stay with.. you.." The greenette nuzzled his head in his brother's side as his eyes began to get heavy.

"You're falling asleep, Izuku. You need to go back to bed."

"N-No.." He protested, "St-Stay.."

Shigaraki chuckled, "If you go back to bed, I'll stay with you. Deal?"

Izuku nodded, "Mhm.."

Midoriya woke up abruptly to the slam of a door. Tomura was sitting on the edge of the bed, his gloves on as he continued to caress his little brother's hair. He looked around, desperate to find the origin of the sound.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Shigaraki chuckled as he took his hand away slightly.

Izuku rubbed his eyes vigorously, "What was.. th-that noise?"

The older male rolled his eyes, "Dabi decided to make an entrance as he returned I'm guessing." He smiled warmly at the boy, "Wanna go meet them?"

The greenette nodded before jumping up from the bed. He really wanted to hug Dabi and Toga again. He didn't know why, but he already felt so attached to them. It was like he'd know them for ages, yet he'd only known them for a couple days.

Izuku slipped his mask on before entering the bar, as Shigaraki placed his signature hand on his face.

In the bar stood five people. The first was a broad, tall man who wore a hood and cape. But, Izuku could see that one of his eyes were robotic, like a cyborg. He was taller than the others, wisps of his blonde hair escaping his hood. He already didn't like this man. He seemed.. untrustworthy.

The second was a man who wore a suit of grey and black. It was mostly black though, with grey vertical stripes on his chest going down his arms and legs. The top half of his face was grey while the bottom was black. He wore red wristbands with one consistent blue-green stripe.

The third was a man with a long brown coat. He wore red gloves which accompanied his shirt which was peeking out from the top of the coat. Izuku also noticed he wore tall white boots which matched his stick. His mask was also a shade of white with black lines to outline the features of a face.

The fourth was a woman with long, shoulder-length auburn hair. She wore grey sunglasses as she put a hand to her hip. Her clothes reflected those of a normal citizen; a white shirt, seashell pink cardigan and sky blue jeans.

The final recruit seemed to be just a bit younger than Midoriya himself. He was wearing a middle school uniform, much like Izuku's own old one. His hair was a sort of  beige colour as it fell over his eyes. He stood awkwardly next to the grown ups.

"Introduce yourselves." Shigaraki commanded as Izuku edged a bit closer to him.

"Name's Muscular." The broad man began, "My quirk is Muscle Augmentation."

The grey and black suited one spoke next, "I'm Twice! Not telling you! My quirk is Clone! My quirk is none-of-your-business!"

"My name is Mr Compress." He took his hat off in a sort of introductory way. It was a brown hat with a red ribbon wrapped around the middle, a beige feather hanging off of it, "My quirk is Compress." He showed them a blue marble.

"I'm Magne." She smiled a little, "My quirk is Magnetism."

Finally, the middle-schooler spoke, "I'm Mustard!" He smiled at Izuku specifically, "My quirk is Gas!"

"We'll discuss your quirks later. For now, we need to discuss the plan." Shigaraki opened the door, motioning for the greenette to follow him.

Aizawa could punch a wall right now if he had the energy to get up.

For the last hour, he's been trying and trying and trying to find any information on Tomura Shigaraki or All For One. But, to his luck, nothing has popped up. All that's appeared so far is the USJ attack article and the murders All For One has committed.

He wanted, no, he needed to save those kids. All For One somehow had a grasp on them and it seemed he wasn't letting go anytime soon. He'd heard from Bakugou how Izuku had acted.





He was still in shock that All For One would go as far as manipulate the kids to believe a faulty truth. He didn't even know what he had told them. That he could guarantee them a new life? That he could guarantee them a new start? That he could guarantee them a second chance?

Whatever it was, he had to find out.

He couldn't let them suffer any longer.

They may not look or be in pain, but being told lies for however long must damage something inside them. Especially when they find out the truth.

God, he didn't even want to think about that part. Especially Izuku's reaction. Bakugou had told him that he was a sensitive kid. If Shota was correct, that could lead to emotional attachments. Especially if he's experienced abandonment.

Bakugou hadn't told him much, but he had told him his father wasn't in the picture. If that was abandonment, that could lead to emotional attachments. And, if one of those attachments was with All For One, Shota didn't want to think about how he'd react.

To find out that the one person you trusted had lied to you this whole time, that's a horrible feeling most wouldn't dare experience.

All that Shota knew now is that he had to help those kids. No matter the cost.

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